Chapter 23

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"Come on, Jo! You guys gotta come! It's your babies first birthday we have to celebrate it at the school." Lizzie pleads. 

"Lizzie no. Hope and I are having their party at our house. We still have wedding plans to prepare for so no." 

"Please, I will ask for nothing else this year I just want to spend time with my niece and nephew on their first birthday, pleeeaasse." Lizzie cries through the phone, I sigh in anger. 

"I'll talk to Hope, but she says no then we are having the party here." 

"Don't worry I'll get her to say yes." 

"How are you going to-"

"Bye sis." 

Lizzie hangs up and I breathe forcefully out through my nose and then I hear whimpering from behind me. Little Eli is tossing and turning trying to find me, and I find it to be the most adorable thing ever. Hayley is snuggled comfortably in Hope's arms and it warms my heart to see them both sleeping soundly. 

We tried cradles for a bit, but they refused so we let them sleep in our bed with us, and I would take care of Eli and Hope would take care of Hayley. Except of course when I needed to feed them. I have started them on bottles now though and Eli hates it while Hayley prefers them over nursing sometimes. Hopes super concerned about it but I told her that he'll be ready when he's ready. 

Lizzie was right he's really been a momma's boy since he was born, and with Hayley being a daddy's girl with Hope it's the Super Squad just knew everything. We love both kid equally though sometimes they threaten to tear our throats out until they get what they want. Hope says that Lizzie and I do it a lot but I don't see it. 

"Hey baby boy. You hungry?" I sit down in the bed lifting my shirt and let the near one year old suck hard trying to get as much milk from them as he can. 

Since they've both been teething my nipples have been very sore from them biting them and gnawing trying to numb the pain in their gums. Lady's been annoying as usual, since she does like to crawl into Hope's shirt or rests on the top of her chest like she's claiming her territory. So fortunately I get to play the mom card and Hope get's Lady out of the room. 

"Josie?" Hope asks sleepily reaching over to my side of the bed. 

"I'm here, baby." 

I grab her hand and she seems to stop freaking out. 

Her dreams have been getting worse so we were hoping to talk to Dad and Mom to see what they thought on it cause I'm really concerned. She dreams about killing people with her humanity off, so she tries to make sure that I'm always there to keep her in check so she doesn't go on business trips anymore. That and she worries about mine and the kids safety too much to leave. 

"Did you have another dream again?" I say in almost a whisper. 

"Yeah, this monster finds us and tells me to turn it off or they kill and I do it and go onto a killing rampage." She sighs. "I don't know how to get it to stop, I get nervous to drink blood now just like when I first got my humanity back." She sits up still cradling Hayley to her chest leaning her against the headboard. 

"I promise that we will find an answer. Okay?" 


I smile softly and press a gentle kiss to her lips, and Hayley moves around getting her brunette curls in her face. Hayley has my curly brown hair and Hope's blue eyes while Eli has Hope's auburn hair and brown eyes like me. Hope says that he has that innocent look in his eyes that she can't say no to, and it's aggravating. 

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