Chapter 36

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All of us turn to the voice and let's just say it was horrible timing. Landon stands there with his hands stuffed in his pockets but his eyes are not the same as they used to be. 

"How is the muppet baby back from the dead?" Lizzie asks. 

"Oh, I never really died I just got sent to Malivore. And he finally let me go, but I can tell I missed a few things." 

Hope still holds onto me with her arms around my waist but her gaze is fixed on Landon. 

"Uh yeah like getting a better fashion sense, a haircut, and many other things that makes you the fire nugget." 

"How are you here right now? You've gone for three years now." Jed asks.

"Dad sent me told me to find the tribrid and obviously I only know one and so I came here." He grins sloppily as his curls fall into his eyes. He looks over at Hope. 

"So you were sent by Malivore?" Kaleb asks standing ready to fight him. 

"I guess you could say that, but I really just wanted to see everyone again. It's kinda lonely in there, you know? I'm glad that you two are back to normal." He tells Hope and I. 

I hold onto Hope tighter just to prove a point, Hope isn't Landon's anymore she's mine.

"Yeah." I speak for both of us. 

"It's kinda awkward now." MG says getting a smack in the back of the head from Lizzie. 

"Yep. Oh! Also I saw these kids recently they were looking for you." 

All of us perk up at that. 

"Where?" Hope asks. 

"Uh, this way." He points behind him and walks away Hope and I look at each other then quickly follow behind him. 

I don't like this one bit it seems very suspicious that Landon pops up out of nowhere and knows where our kids are. And his eyes something is definitely off, it's the awkward boy that we went to high school with, they're darker and have a glint that I can't place. It may seem that I'm just jealous but I swear he's not the same Landon we used to know. 

Landon stops walking in front of the Salvatore crypt where Uncle Stefan is buried. Dad has a confused look on his face while Mom just seems a little sad. 

"Why are the kids here?" Lizzie asks. "The kidnapper does NOT have good taste." 

Landon turns around to us, and his whole demeaner changes. Hope grabs my hand and pulls me behind her as a glare takes over her face. His head tilts with a sickening dark look on his face as he looks at us. 

"The almighty tribrid always sacrificing herself to better the Mikaelson name. Trying to be the perfect hero, but in reality all you are is a scared little girl who couldn't live up to the fact was that your supposed immortal dad killed himself to get away from you. You try so hard not to lose people you care about but really you're the reason they leave. Do you truly believe that people want to be around the troubled Hope Mikaelson that is the heir of The Great Evil?" 

"Don't listen to him, Hope." I tell her while glaring holes into Landon's face. 

"Yeah, he's just trying to get in your head." Kaleb calls. 

"Well, really she should be listening since I used my sons body to kidnap your precious sires." 

Malivore must've taken over his body it's not Landon in there.

"Where are they?!" Hope growls at him. 

"Oh they're fine. I'll show you." 

The door to the crypt opens and Hayley, Eli walk out while some girl holds Andrew with big smiles glued to their faces. Tears immediately fall on Hope's and my face as they run into our arms and Andrew gets handed to us. 

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