Chapter 14

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So I was hoping with everything in me that Lizzie wasn't going to do the "mission" but apparently I was wrong she pushed all of the boys and Hope to go shopping while Penelope, Lizzie and I set up the house for the party. Well, mainly Lizzie and Penelope I'm doing cleaning around the house so that once they leave Hope and I don't have to do a whole bunch of cleaning. 

To be honest I don't mind the calm normal living for Hope and me it just makes sense. To our neighbors we're a normal couple and we like it that way after the monster fighting in highschool and from revealing our dark selves to the world we needed a break. I'm surprised that the Super Squad is so upset about it. I don't think it's a big deal.

I'm glad that Hope cares enough about me to try things I do so I really appreciated it when she said she'll try being a vegetarian for a bit. I touch my lips after the few electrifying kisses this morning before she left, they felt amazing for a simple 'see you later' kiss. I hang Hope's and my shirts up and put our underwear, pants, shorts, and socks into our dresser. 

I put away my skirts in the dresser in my drawer and I see a pair of Hope's boxers have a hole in them. I sigh because it's been happening so often where I find holes in her boxers so I'm gonna have to go shopping with her or I could order some online. Actually I'll just call her. 

I hold the phone with my shoulder as I walk to the kitchen to throw the holed pair away. I smile when she answers the phone. 

"Hi, love." 

"Hey, so um I just found more boxers with holes in them so I wanted to know if you wanted to go shopping with me next week or if you wanted me to order some online." 

"We can go shopping together, I am not really good with that kind of stuff so I could use some help." 

"I figured, but I just wanted to ask."

"Thank you, love. Oh! Also what kind of sparkling water do you want?" 

"Uh, surprise me just remember no watermelon this time. Can you get some quinoa too I was gonna make some quinoa with chicken tomorrow." 

"Got it. See you soon love."

"See you. Love you bye." 

I hang up and shove my phone into my pocket and turn around to see Penelope and Lizzie watching me. 

"Uh, may I help you?" 

"I was right you two are becoming like dad." 

I shrug and go downstairs heading to grab the laundry from the dryer to trade out the loads. I dump the rest of the clothes on Hopes and my bed and head downstairs to the basement to switch the laundry humming a soft tune out loud. 

"Josette Olivia Saltzman!" 

I cringe at her words, I set the basket on the dryer to go upstairs to see why my sister is yelling my full name. When I get there Penelope is chugging down a beer while watching tv. Lizzie comes over to me and hands me a beer with the lid off, and I see alcohol bottles and boxes on the island telling me that MG and Raf are back.

I take it in my hand giving a halfhearted smile then going outside to check on the pool since Lizzie told me to earlier but I said that I was gonna do it later. Hope said that we had to have a pool so luckiy this house has an ingroud pool. She was so excited about it and since her family is super rich she got all of their money since it was in their wills that everything they owned would go to Hope. 

I feel the water to see if it's warm enough. Thankfully it is because I don't think I could deal with Lizzie after this. When I walk inside I realize I still have the full beer in my hand, I sniff it and my nose revolts at the smell so I just set it on the island while I find a place for all of this booze. 

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