Chapter 31

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"At lunch, she asked if we would be okay with you giving them some of your sperm cells to help Lizzie get pregnant, since Mg's a vampire he can't."

"Well, what did you say?" 

"I said that you and I would talk about it, but to not get their hopes up. So how do you feel about it?" 

"I mean when you said Lizzie needed to talk to you about something important this is not what I was expecting. And I mean we couldn't go to the hospital cause how are we going to explain that I have a penis without saying we have magic?" 

"I didn't think about it like that." 

"What about Jed? Have they thought about him?" 

"I don't think so, but do you really think Kaleb's going to be okay with that?" 

"Probably not. What about donation clinics isn't that what they are there for." 

"That's exactly what I said, and they said that they would prefer it would be you." 

"What do you want me to do? I mean we're married now so I would like your opinion on the situation."

"Well, I would prefer you not having to fuck my sister so that she can have a baby. Like I really hate the whole thing and it makes me want to gag." 

"Okay, well then we say no." 

"But, you should've seen her face she really wants to raise a kid with MG." 

"What about adoption?" 

"I'll call her later." 

My phone rings from the nightstand. Lizzie. 

"Or I guess now." 


"Hey Jo. So what's the verdict?" 

"Well, we're still talking about it but we were wondering if you considered adoption?" 

"Well not really I mean you talk all the time about how amazing it is to get to give birth and to carry your child for nine months. I started to want that for myself."

"What about Jed?" 

"Kaleb says he would kill all of us if that happened." 

"I mean it's kinda weird and I think you should at least talk to Mom and Dad to see what they think about it." 

"We will, bye Jo." 

I hang up and put my phone back on the nightstand turning back to Hope, who's falling back asleep. The three are already wearing what they usually wear to bed so I'm assuming they already ate and want their afternoon nap. I smile and kiss each of their foreheads before getting out of bed to put my nap clothes on. 

Yes, we call them nap clothes because Eli and Hayley decided that we needed to wear an outfit for naps and another for bed time. I don't know I'm not a toddler. They are so cute when they have their minds set on something they stick to it, which I'm pretty sure they get from both Hope and me.

I get under the covers with them holding Hope's hand over the twins. Eli cuddles closer to me as soon as I get close. His small arms come up to his chest as he goes into a fetus position which is the only way he sleeps around me. To look more baby so that I'll coddle him more, it doesn't always work but sometimes he's just too cute. I brush his wavy auburn hair out of his face gently so that he doesn't wake up, Hayley rubs her eye with her fist then goes back to sleep with her hair all over the pillow. 

Lady hops onto the bed and curls up at Hope's feet, ignoring my death glare. I swear I will drop kick this cat if she tries to wake them up. I look at Hope sneakily then kick Lady off the bed, she hisses but walks out of the room. Using my magic I gently shut the door, and go back to cuddling with my family. 

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