Chapter 12

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Josie's POV: 

As we walk into our future house I can see why Eli said it looked different, there are paintings everywhere with family pictures, pictures of the kids, and our wedding pictures. Hope's hand squeezes my hand, I look over to see a smile ghost over her lips. 

"Well you can stay in the other guest room, and tomorrow you can head home. We don't want to ruin time." 

"Moms?" Eli walks down the stairs in his pajamas

"What is it Eli?" Future Hope asks.

"I was gonna ask if mom could sing me to sleep." 

"I'll see you later." Future me pecks future Hope on the lips then walks up the stairs behind Eli. 

"I feel like the more I see her the more I fall in love, you know?"

"Yeah, I do."

I turn to see Hope smiling at me, which brings a light pink blush to my cheeks. 

"I'll get you to your rooms, oh also past me?"


"If she threatens to cut your dick off just know that she's talking about sucking on it hard. Not actually cutting it off. Just figured you should know, cause I was really confused." 

A darker blush replaces the old one, as Hope smirks then we get shown to a smaller bedroom. I walk in and collapse on the bed with my face down. I kick my shoes off with my pants and shirt then I lay under the covers. After a second or two a I feel a dip in the bed next to me. I turn to Hope who is staring at the ceiling. 

"What is it?" I ask softly. 

"I was in that world for a year, without you. With just one other person. It was so hard to be away." 

"I'm sensing that there's something that you're not telling me." 

Hope stays silent for a while, so I cuddle closer to her. I play with our hands together to distract me from being tired. 

"What is it, Hope?" I ask again moving so I can lean the side of my head on my fist as I look down at Hope. 

"The person I was with the time I was in there was a girl, and right before I left she kissed me. At first I liked it, but it just didn't feel the same by the time I realized what was happening it was too late." 

I look down at the girl beside me listening intently to her words. Her eyes drift over to mine I feel the regret coming off of her in waves. I don't say anything I just lean down and capture her lips in a passionate kiss setting my hand on the side of her face. Her left hand goes to the other side of my face, pulling me closer to her. 

We start getting lost in each other losing count at the  amount of kisses shared between the other. I'm not angry, a little jealous, but I don't know how I would react if something like that happened to me. Eventually I'm on her straddling her waist with my body on top of hers, hands exploring every part of skin remembering every curve and smoothness of each other. 

"Please Hope. I miss you."

"Whatever you need baby." 

Let's just say that the rest of the night was not PG, but definitely worth it because it damn it felt so good to feel stuffed like that. I mean my dark side and no humanity Hope had sex everyday, I'm not saying that we should follow in their footsteps I'm just saying that it wouldn't be that bad to have sexual intercourse everyday. I mean if you have slept like Hope at all you would understand it's like she knows what you need, and where you need it. How fast to go, or how to hard to suck to make it feel good, and not hurt. And when she licks upwards I sing out moans in the best possible way, and I am so glad that Hope put a silencing spell over the room.

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