Chapter 18

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I woke up 5 minutes before Hope, and I took the time to study her face and commit it to memory. When she woke up we spent thirty minutes getting ready for the day and just relishing in each others company before Hope has to leave. We ate breakfast and watched tv with lady being her usual touchy self with Hope and me putting her in her cage with food and water. 

We cuddled on the couch with her arms around me and me snuggled close into her. When it was time for her to leave I got as much as I could I kissed her, held her hand, and hugged her. She kissed my forehead and carressed my face then grabs her bag and walks out the door. I lock it behind her and rest my forehed on the door sighing. Lady meows and purrs from her cage, I take her out of it and cuddle her on the couch. 

"I miss her too. You also have to stop trying to mark your territory. We both know you're going to lose compared to me."

She hisses but continues to cuddle close to me. I rub her head and hold her close to my chest, while walking around the house doing cleaning and such. I look in the fridge to see what all we have and the fridge seems a bit empty so I decide to go to the store. I make sure Lady has food and water before I go to the store. My keys hang on the hook and I take them off then walk towards the garage to my car. 

After I did everything I needed to for the house I just ate ice cream while watching tv and LAdy snuggling inside the blanket with me. It's so weird for me to be alone in the house with Hope's stuff without Hope here. I really miss her I have no idea how I'm supposed to be here by myself for a week and a half. I check my phone to see that Hope texted me saying she got to the hotel.

I smile down at my phone and quickly text her back. 

Hope: I just got to the hotel babe.

Me: I wish you were here with me now I have no one else to watch Vampire Diaries with :(

Hope: I know babe, but I will be home before you know it.

Me: Lady and I are sad here without you.

Hope: Well, I got to go meet the guy since it's still noon here. I'll talk to you later. Love you.

Me: I love you too 

I set my phone down and cuddle back into the blanket watching Ian Somerhalder rip someone's head off. I pet Lady's head then take a bite out of my icecream. 

The Day Hope Comes Back

I jump out of bed today with the biggest smile on my face and run around the house making sure it's perfect for when Hope comes home. Lady seems to have the same excitement since she jumped onto the window seal overlooking the front yard, watching intently waiting for Hope's car to pull up into the drive way. 

Hope had called me telling me that she was on the plane about an hour ago which had woken me up. I just couldn't lay in bed any longer knowing that the love of my life was coming home. It's too exciting so exciting that I made a huge dinner for tonight since I missed her so much I made every one of her favorite foods. 

"Today is the day, Lady. Hope is coming home!" 

She meows happily and jumps off the window seal and walks sleazily over to me where I fill up her food and water bowls. She's really been a companion even though we get into some arguments over Hope, she's really kept me company while Hope was away. I scratch behind her ears gently then check the clock. 8:46. 

"Hope should be here in about thirty minutes so we got to get you cleaned up for Hope."

Surprisingly for a cat she loves bath, I think it's cause she likes being pampered and all that. Definitely part of our family, we love to treat ourselves maybe not in the way that other couples do but we definitely always take care of our needs. I quickly give Lady a bath and blow dry her hair adding her collar that I got for her while Hope was gone. 

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