Just somethings

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This is not a chapter...

But I just wanna address that you guys are being meany mean to mee :(((


I just wanna address somethings like the fact that I'm doing a new book😏
A TECHNO one to be specific...

No but here's the real deal...

I'm going to re-write this book as there's like a lot of mistakes that some of you are kindly addressing.

Like the misspells that you guys are really being so helpful about it.🙄 please don't meme on me😭 jk i love you guys.

But thank you like literally😍😘

And then I'm gonna remove all of Techno's real name here as he's not comfortable with it.

I tend to use real names when writing and it's not justified that I should do it when the cc is not comfortable with it.

That's why you might notice like it just changes to Techno to his real name all of a sudden I'm trying to change all of the names and I just want to apologize for that...

I also want to thank the people that's been supporting this dumb story and just Thank you!

I don't desrve it but THANKSSSS!

I know I said this alot... like I'm cool and poggers and all cause we all know... I am right? 😎

But I just wanna say you're cool and pogchamp too!

Well that's it.

Lots of love,


*whispers @everyone new Technoblade book check it outtttt :D I'm poggers I'm gonna upload 3 more chapters todayy I'm cool come on check it ouutt :D

------>Sacrificed <----------
is the title!
Another technoblade story

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