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Andrea scroll through the website of a community college in New York – her eyes carefully absorbed all the information given on the website. It has been a week since she has been coming to this website – gathering information – trying to make her mind. She couldn't deny that she was hesitating – maybe because she believed that it was too late for her to join college but then she is only twenty-three, and anyway – since when did age come between in anything. For Andrea, it was just a number but yet she was dubious. She wanted to study more – like the rest of her siblings but she was confused with what she wants. Her interest in cookery hasn't taken her anywhere, she had to get a degree to find a stable job and for that, she has to go to college – no matter if she will be older than her classmates. To be something – to have a future, she had to take a step ahead – she had to stop being so afraid of every move she makes. She had to start her own life – she is not too old yet.

Andrea has already started her concerns and motives with her sister and Farrah was nothing but proud. She gave her a pat on her back – asking her to go on and do what she liked to do. Andrea was grateful for her sister's support but at the same time she was confused with what she wanted and what she wanted to study – it was all making her head spin. For the fifth time in a day, she closed the lid of her laptop and placed it on her bed. She blew her cheeks out and looks out the window to see that it was still raining. She doesn't like it when it rains and everything goes gloomy – especially when it rain and everything goes so cold. She missed the sun shining up bright – something she hasn't been seeing lately in New York. She gets off the bed and walked closer to the window – her eyes following the droplets on the cold glass of her window.

Whenever it rains – it takes her back to when she first met Lorenzo. And just like that, she was once again thinking about that man. It has been three days since she last saw him out on the street – she vividly remembers that he asked her to stay away from him. Usually, Lorenzo makes her feel nothing but agitated and indignant but since their last meeting – something else has been sparking in her mind as well – curiosity. There were so many unanswered questions ringing in her head – questions that shouldn't be thinking about but even after trying to divert her mind – one way or another, she ends up thinking about him. Like the weather – how it made the night sky somber and dull. The shivery wind making the trees dance on its beat – it all reminded her of humankind of everything she just described. Lorenzo – his icy stares, inhospitable nature, his uncommunicativeness – everything not only makes her vexed but curious. What was wrong with that man?

The days rolled by and it was Halloween. Liana couldn't be more excited for the candies she was going to collect and as well as the party Kevin and Farrah were throwing tonight, but little did this innocent child know – she wouldn't be joining it. Kevin always throws parties at major events and this time he decided to throw it with Farrah. Kevin always invites all his friends and from what Roselle told them – his parties are boring but then again – Roselle is a wild woman. For her plain gatherings are boring, she likes her parties loud, intoxicated, and wild – something Andrea couldn't affix to. Since the day, she and Rose had lunch – they have started communicating through messages and sometimes Rose comes to visit with her brother. Finally, after three weeks, Andrea was getting comfortable with Roselle. Andrea doesn't know why, but she gets mystifying vibes from Roselle. Rose, isn't a rich snob. She is not a spiteful person – Andrea goes along with her just fine, but still, there is something about her that is off-putting.

Maybe, Andrea thinks this way because her and Rose's nature are poles apart. Where she demurs – Rose can be a devil in an angel's don – that she learned when she went to the party hers. Farrah told Andrea, how Kevin and his father are worried about Roselle – they think she has bad company and needs to find more friends like Andrea. Andrea knows why Farrah told her that – she wants her to be friends with Rose and quite honestly, Andrea didn't mind either. But still, the road to comfortability was a little bumpy for Andrea. "If there was an award for the most boring parties – my brother and father would have won them each year – without any competition," Roselle spoke her mind before she blew her cheeks out and drank the wine in a go. Andrea couldn't help but chuckle, she looks around to see people chatting with each other, mostly dressed too sophisticated for Halloween, drinking wine – it was all right for Andrea but she wasn't surprised to see that Roselle found it boring. "I mean, it is Halloween, people. Live a little!" Roselle expressed her annoyance a little too loud. A few heads turned around to glance at a slightly intoxicated Rose – along with the judged glances – Kevin's disappointed and irate one was also on his sister. Andrea, who was standing beside Roselle, felt the eyes on her as well and after a nervous gulp, she decided to hold Rose by her arm and slowly drag her to the empty kitchen area of Kevin's house.

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