Ch. 166

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Lauren's POV

   He whips around and stops. Oh no. He suddenly breaks into a sprint and charges through people before attacking me and smashing his lips on mine. He pulls away after a minute and looks into my eyes. He can obviously see the pain.

   "I'm a liar," I breakdown again. He pulls me close and holds me against him as I cry hysterically.

   "You aren't," he argues. "Right now, I don't give a fuck what happened. I'm just glad you're safe and ok and right here with me," he admits.

   "I don't deserve you," I sob into his chest.

   "That's a load of bullshit," he argues. "I don't deserve you after being a grade A dick for you not telling me why you shaved behind my back," he says quietly.

   "Yes you do. You deserve someone who does what you ask when you ask them to! Or someone who wouldn't ever lie to you or think of lying to you! I'm a big, fat liar! I'm trash," I sob. He rolls his eyes.

   "Angel, you're perfect. Everyone makes mistakes and we both have today. Big ones," he says cupping my cheeks to look into my eyes as he speaks. "That's why we are perfect. We usually fuck up together then make up because we are both extremely sorry and we love each other more than explainable. Neither of us could picture our lives without each other. You're my everything angel! You always will be," he smiles.

"I'm a disappointment though! Why do you seriously want someone who lies to you?"

"Because I've lied to you too and you haven't caught it or you haven't blown up about it like I seem to do when you've messed up. I'm especially sorry for what I said about your brain darling. That was rude and I was just frustrated."

"It's true though," I mumble.

"I don't mind the boys hugging you and kissing your cheeks or forehead. It isn't true. I trust you," he says making me break down more. "What's wrong?"

"Why don't you both step in here," the girl from earlier asks.

"Thanks, but we don't know you," Louis says trying to be polite, but also being rude.

"She's my friend," I mumble to Louis. He looks at me confused before he agrees and picks me up. We go into her flat and sit on the couch. She makes us tea so we can talk privately.

"Baby? What's wrong? Did I say something wrong?"

"N-No," I shake my head.

"Then what is it?"

"I wasn't sure if you'd trust me anymore because I lied multiple times," I admit. He coos and pulls me into his embrace again.

"I'll always trust you baby. We are past the no trust," he says and kisses my forehead.

"I was scared you'd hate me," I cry. "She told me to go get you before you got too far. We heard you scream when I declined your call."

"Did you tell her," he asks.

"Mostly. I left out a few details." I can tell he's not exactly happy I told our private life, but he's not trying to start more. "I'm sorry," I whimper.

"It's ok princess," he kisses my cheek.

"It's not. You hate when I talk about us to someone outside of us, other than your mum," I cry.

"Why did you," he asks.

"She found me hiding in a nice alley, not far from the road, and a block away. She told me y'all were looking for me and I admitted that I fucked up and didn't want to be found a while. She offered to let me hide in her flat since Zayn was a block away so I accepted. We came in here and talked about her place for a bit and we got comfortable. She's really sweet. She asked being curious and I ended up telling her. She helped to give me the push and make me grow up to go get you back. I'm sorry Louis. I'm really sorry for telling," I apologise.

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