Ch. 67

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Lauren's POV

   We meet the girls downstairs and leave to pick Ernest and Doris up. "Are you guys as excited as I am," I ask them once we are in the car.

   "I don't think so babe," Louis tries to say as kind as possible. I look out the window now upset. Louis grabs my hand and I glance at him while he looks back to the road. When we get to the Tommo/Deakin abode I run in to get the two six year olds. Dan greets me at the door and calls for the twins.

   "Keep an eye on them please," he asks.

   "I will. If anything happens I'll turn in my skates and walk with them or sit with them," I tell him.

   "I trust you," he smiles.

   "Well that's a first."

   "Louis will come through love. Just be patient," he says grabbing my hand. I nod and give him a smile. Louis honks at me and I flip him off. "That's not patient," he laughs.

   "Oh well. I was excited and asked them if they were as excited as me and Louis said he doesn't think so making my mood drop."

    "Ah, well maybe he doesn't realise what he said."

   "Probably not," I sigh. "Anyway, come on you two." They follow me out and I wave to Dan. I help them in the car then we go. When we arrive I help put shoes on then do mine. Louis doesn't even wait for me. I sigh and skate over to the tables and sit and watch them.

   An hour later Louis comes over to me confused. "Why aren't you skating?"

   "I don't know," I cross my arms.

   "Fine! I was trying to be nice," he scoffs. He skates away from me and I bury my face in my hands. Soon Daisy and Lottie come over.

   "Can I ask why Louis doesn't want me right now?"

   "He just got pissed when you flipped him off," Lottie says.

   "I'm sorry I was confirming with Dan I'll keep his kids safe," I roll my eyes.

   "Why don't you come out here and see if he will come up to you and you two talk," Daisy suggests.

   "Only for two laps and if he passes me or stays back I'm coming back here." They pout and I get up. They skate off and I get on the floor. I watch as Louis quickly skates to the twins and "helps" them. After two laps I'm off. He leaves them and continues skating. Lottie and Daisy come back and sit with me.

   "I'm going to talk to him and he better skate with you or else Lottie will bust his ass," Lottie says crossing her arms with raised eyebrows.

   "I don't want him even more upset," I sigh laying my head on my arms that are on top of the table. She gets up and skates off.

Lottie's POV

   After I skate away from my sister and sister-in-law to my brother. "Louis, stop being a dick!"

   "What the hell Lottie," he gasps hurt.

   "Your wife is over there not skating because you keep treating her like shit again! I watched you skate away from her once your shoes were on. You should have seen her face and you would be upset with yourself! Then she watched you 'help' Ernest and Doris! She was trying to see what you'd do if she came out here and she knew before we made her come out here that you'd stay away from her. You are hurting her Louis," I point out.

   "She's fine," he says glancing back with a sad face. I watch his face drop when he sees her head on her arms he skates over to the wall beside the table and lays his hand on top of her head.

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