Ch. 173

49 1 0

Lauren's POV

We pull up to the gym and get out with our waters, purses, and anything else we need. "Don't push yourself too hard. You do have a fragile baby," I remind her.

"Yeah. I think I'll just warm up my muscles rather than push them like I usually do." I nod and we go to the leg machines.

I start on the hip abduction machine where you push your legs outwards. I go ahead and put it on 45 kg. Honestly it's not enough. Louis would be so mad that I'm pushing it past his limit, but I don't care right now.

After a solid half hour on this one, I wipe it down then move to the inner and outer thigh one that you squeeze in. I put that one on around 60 kg. Leslie sees it and looks at me shocked.

"What," I giggle.

"You do that normally?"

"No. I do a bit more normally. In high school I could do 180 pounds which is like 81.6 kilograms."

"How much can you bench," she asks.

"I don't bench press. Too many horror stories with that shit," I admit making her laugh.

"I get that," she nods. "What is your average on other arm ones?"

"The one you push up on is around 40 kilograms. The one you pull to you is about 36 kilograms. Really it just depends," I explain.

"Wow," she says shocked.

"That was high school though and now I'm pregnant. Last time I used machines was on the cruise at five to six months. Louis wouldn't let me go past a certain number and it honestly only warmed me up. We left early too because of a guy trying to take me and told me he would rape me," I admit.

"You need a break from idiots," she laughs.

"No shit," I laugh too. She sits on the machine beside me and we both work out as we talk.

After a while and we have moved a few machines, we are talking about funny stories having to do with our husbands. "-He literally walked in front of me the whole time and blocked blokes from looking at me! If one did even on accident, he would glare at them," she laughs making me laugh.

"I never realised how protective he is of you," I tell her smiling.

"He's not as bad as Louis, but he's close," she nods.

"He knows your a catch," I wink teasing her making us both laugh.

"Leslie," someone asks behind us. We turn and see Calvin. "Oh! Hey love," he smiles at me too.

"You don't even know her name do you," Leslie snickers.

"No, but I do know she's taken by Louis," he points to her knowingly.

"True," I nod. "How's Rebecca?" His eyes light up.

"She's perfect! She's the cutest little princess," he grins.

"You have a picture," Leslie asks. He grins more and pulls one up.

"Awe," I coo as I see the precious little baby sleeping in the picture. "Too bad she's got Eleanor's genes too." He snickers. "Speaking of her, how is she. Have you heard from her?"

"Thanks to you she's great! We are dating and I still have full custody in case she tries to take her if we break up," he says.

"You saved that bitch after she made your husband cheat on you," Leslie asks me.

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