Ch. 87

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Lauren's POV

   Louis kisses my throbbing temple multiple times, rubs my back, and caresses my hair to calm me down. "Everything will turn out fine. Simon and Chris are working on it baby," he whispers. We soon arrive back at the resort and Louis carries me holding the back of my hair as he walks and goes up the steps.

   "Just a fair warning, there are reporters that are trying to bust through security," Kyler warns us.

   "Fucking great," Louis sighs. As soon as we reach the main part of the resort, Louis starts running as I hear people screaming at us. I sob hysterically into Louis. Louis' phone rings as he runs and he quickly pulls it out.

Louis-What's up Simon?
Simon-Can you two do a Skype interview with James Corden in twenty minutes?
Louis-Yeah. I can't guarantee she will not be sobbing. Simon she won't calm down!
Simon-Get her drunk.
Louis-I can't. She has a special condition that takes a few months before a good thing comes out if you get what I'm saying. Mum is the same way if you didn't catch it.
Simon-Oh my gosh! Congrats! Yeah I don't know what to do. Call your doctor and ask her.
Louis-Alright thanks. Let me go I have to open the door. Text me five minutes before.
Simon-Alright. He will be ready.
End of conversation

   He opens the door then locks it. He quickly dials Leslie.

Leslie-Why are you calling me so late?
Louis-Something happened in the media and I can't calm her down at all. What do I do?
Leslie-Make her take deep breaths, focus on you, close her eyes. You need to tell her how much you love her and get her mind off of it. She is seriously going to hurt the baby if she doesn't calm down. Make sure she knows that too. It does help.
Louis-Thank you! Bye!
End of conversation

   "Baby, look at me." I do as told. "Take deep breaths." I stop sniffling and breathe in then breathe out. "Now close your eyes and keep breathing deeply," he tells me. "Good. Leslie tells me to remind you that if you don't calm down, it will seriously hurt the baby so you have to calm down." I nod and grip his hands that grab mine. "Great job sweetheart! You're so so strong! I love you so much! You're the best wife I've ever imagined I'd marry! You're so perfect! You're the only person I want this baby with!"

   "I-I love you," I sniffle opening my eyes.

   "I love you princess! How are you doing," he asks hesitantly.

   "O-Ok. Will-Will you let-me have make-makeup on-on," I ask sniffling and hiccuping.

   "Sure," he smiles. "You don't need it, but I know you want it so that's fine." I hug him and kiss his cheek. We go into the bathroom and he helps me. As soon as I'm ready, Simon texts Louis and my breath quickens again. "Deep breaths! Calm down angel," Louis says quickly as he notices. I nod and obey. "Anytime you freak out, take deep breaths and close your eyes. Especially in the interview because I know damn well you're going to freak out."

   "Mhm," I nod.

   "Just remember I'm here and I love you! We have so many people backing us up! Don't worry!" I nod again and hug him tightly. "Can I have a kiss," he asks.

   "Yes," I slightly smile before kissing him passionately.

   "I've never had such amazing kisses other than from you," he grins and pecks my lips. James Corden FaceTimes Louis and we sit on the couch. "Hi James," Louis smiles.

   "Hello! How has your vacation been so far," he asks straight away.

   "Hectic! It's like everywhere we go we are getting harassed, attacked, or followed. People really don't understand that we do want our own vacation. It's not supposed to be all over the internet that we are some place exotic."

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