Ch. 172

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Lauren's POV

   As soon as I'm done cleaning the house, Louis comes out of his office and looks exhausted like me. "Shall I call for pizza darling," he asks plopping down on the couch with me.

   "That sounds great," I hum and curl into him. He wraps his arm around my waist and kisses my forehead.

   "You know you didn't have to clean right?"

   "Yeah, but I needed to do something. I'm getting a bit restless. Even though it wears me out, I hate just sitting around all day."

   "That's called nesting," he chuckles.

   "Well it's stupid and it sucks!" He laughs.

   "Maybe you and Leslie can do some workouts or something to keep you doing something, but also being monitored by her," he suggests.

   "Yeah. Do I invite Sarah so we can have a pregnant workout?"

   "No," he shakes his head.

   "She's not going to like you being closer to Leslie than her. You don't want to start that up," he points out.

   "Yeah. I guess you're right," I nod. "Is she working?"

   "Only three times a week. Mitchell is very strict with her," he admits.

   "Poor Leslie," I chuckle. "I'll text her when you decide to call for pizza." He nods and we cuddle. "How was work?"

   "Long," he sighs. "Jack keeps searching for new artists and he can't find anyone worth his time or that don't have a label already."

   "Do you want more artists," I ask resting my chin on his chest so I can look up at him.

   "Yes, but not that many right now. Jack is worried about finances, but as soon as the boys and I get something out, it'll fix all of that. Maybe even me putting out the song in July too." 

   "Why don't you start working on the music for the band? You can put it out soon and get all that money built up for tour next year."

   "You do know how long it takes to write an album right," he asks.

   "Yes," I snicker. "But since you're all great at writing music now, not that you weren't, put two of you on a song. Obviously you and Liam. Then maybe Niall and Harry. They do the similar type of music now. Harry has that soft rock that can kind of tie into Niall's folky side. Zayn can also write with Liam. Both of them are that R&B style. That could work. Then all of you together. I don't know," I shrug. He just smiles down at me.

   "I love you."

   "I love you too," I chuckle. I snuggle into him again and smile. He caresses my hair making me almost fall asleep.

   "Baby you're exhausted," he coos.

   "Mhm," I nod.

   "Let's order dinner yeah," he asks. I nod again and close my eyes. "You want your usual?"

   "Bacon, sausage, mushroom on thin crust," I confirm. He kisses the top of my head.

   "Yes ma'am," he says smiling. He pulls his phone out and calls Domino's. I text Leslie.

Me:I'm in nesting mode and I hate sitting around all day. Louis suggested the two of us work out so we can stay in shape and you are monitoring me. If you can, any day works.
Leslie:Yeah! We can have a girls day!
Me:Depends on what that entails.
Leslie:I thought maybe spa day?
Me:I'm not allowed to get my hair, nails or makeup done.
Leslie:Is he being a prick and telling you not to get pampered?
Me:It's fine.
Leslie:What about your lashes?
Me:I actually got those taken off today.
Leslie:Then let's go shopping! We can buy stuff for ourselves and our babies!
Me:That works! I can meet you at your house whenever you're ready.
Leslie:How about ten a.m.?
Me:Sounds great! I will see you then!
End of conversation

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