Ch. 108

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Lauren's POV

When we reach the front of the line, the cashiers eyes widen. Apparently most all of Louis' chips are worth $100. He has like thirty of them or more. He gets his cash while I fill out the information on the back of my scratch offs. The cashier goes through them and he chuckles. "You two are very lucky! I've never seen such a big win the whole time I've been here!" Louis earned $4,703.00. I get $315,040.00, my $40 comes from a few numbers that I won but not the whole card. We take our money and Louis keeps my $300,040 so I can hand out the rest. We walk through the casino and I give $1,000 to a family that has three kids. I give the next to an elderly woman who gives me a hug and thanks me. The rest I give to a few families, a woman that looks like she needs something to lift her spirits, a girl I heard talking about her student loans, but I save the last $3,000 for a girl in a wheelchair. I noticed it was messed up earlier when we were walking around.

"Who are you feeling now," Louis asks curiously.

"This girl," I smile walking over to her. He grabs my hand and smiles as he instantly knows my intention. "Excuse me," I ask. She turns and gasps seeing us.

"H-Hi," she blushes.

"I'd like to give you this money that I won earlier. I noticed your wheelchair is messed up and I know it's not much, but I'd love to help you fix it or even buy one you really really like," I smile. She bursts into tears. "Oh no! Have I upset you?" She shakes her head.

"Thank you! My mom and I have been trying to buy me a new wheelchair for two years, but we've never been able to without us starving. I can't tell you how grateful I am! Thank you so much," she cries. I hug her and take another three stacks of $1,000 and add it to the $3,000.

"I hope this can help y'all with whatever you need and gives you an extra fund in case you want to go some place or want something," I hand her the money and hug her again. Louis and I take a picture with her before we leave back to our room.

"I'm so proud of you," Louis pulls me into him.

"I hate seeing people suffer," I bury my face in his chest.

"Me too sweetheart. It sucks," he sighs. We reach our floor and go to our room. We put our money in the safe with other valuables and we lock it. We get changed then crawl in bed and fall asleep cuddled up together.

Next Morning

I wake up and Louis is up already. He smiles seeing me awake finally. I snuggle into him and sigh in relief. "Can we stay like this for a while," I ask.

"Whatever you want to do princess," he smiles and kisses me. I slide my hand around his waist to his back, under his shirt. "How did you sleep sweetie?"

   "Better than the first night, but I just have a hard time sleeping when I'm rolling," I reply.

   "I know what you mean. It's annoying," he sighs.

   "How did you sleep sunshine," I ask moving my face so I can see him.

   "Not the best last night. I kept having a nightmare where that guy at the beach took you rather than harassed you," he admits quietly.

   "Oh baby, he was a little bitch on steroids. He didn't have real muscles to take me," I try but it doesn't help. "There's more isn't there?" He sighs and nods.

   "You always liked that he was taking you from me."

   "Fuck no baby boy! He was a piece of shit! You are my angel! I love you so so so fucking much! I can't picture my life without you beside me," I tell him honestly.

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