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English is not my first language so I apologize for any mistskes.

Text between " " are dialogues.

Text between ' ' are thoughts.

And italic texts are visions/flashbacks.



Endless pools of black.

That's all Taehyung saw around him ever since he was a child.

But he never complained, never wished to see anything else. For him, black was comfortable, black was familiar, black was..home.

And even now when he's lying in his bed, eyes glued to the ceiling, all he sees is black, stretched like a vast ocean around him cocooning him in it's arms. He had been like this since he woke up an hour ago.

Not being able to go back to sleep, he had resorted to spending his time thinking about all sorts of things. He didn't have work today so he didn't  have to stress about getting ready. He would've laid in his bed for another half an hour had it not been for his mother's voice calling him for breakfast.

Kim taehyung, aged 26, was born blind. Still his parents had welcomed their bundle of joy with open arms refusing to even think of abandoning him. He was a single child as his parents had thought it better to focus all their attention on him rather than having more children.

Growing up, he was an extremely obedient and cheerful kid and also a very bright student. He didn't have many friends in school but he was content with his small friend circle. Ever since he was a child, he was extremely talented in singing to the point of being called a prodigy.

His exceptional talents had earned him many offers from different record labels but he had refused them all and instead focused solely on becoming a teacher.

"If I have been gifted with a beautiful voice, I'd rather use it to teach others the magic of music than to earn fame."

Taehyung had said to his parents when they had asked him the reason behind his refusal to all record labels. Soon after completing his studies he had started working as a music professor in Seoul International University of Arts. It was a very prestigious university in Seoul famous for producing some of the finest artists of the generation.

Taehyung had been working there for two years and earned enough to support himself as well as his parents to lead a good life. He had managed to buy a nice cozy apartment in the outskirts of the town with his savings several months ago and had shifted to his new home with his parents who had insisted on living together with their only son. They had given their previous house to their neighbours who used to live on rent previously. It was the best for everybody since his parents always complained he didn't spend time with them and more often than not taehyung felt lonely too.

He had even made friends with the graphic designs professor Kim Namjoon who taught at the same university as him, and his boyfriend Kim Seokjin who owned a cafe a few streets away from his own apartment.

Overall life was peaceful.. except for his weird recurring dreams.

Taehyung hears a number of voices in his dreams with a certain voice that is constant in every single one. The voice of a boy calling his name, whispering things to him that he tries so hard to understand but fails.

Often he feels calloused hands caressing his hair, weaving willowy fingers through his luscious locks. Sometimes he feels soft lips touching his own in a feather light kiss, the feeling of the warmth of someone's arms around his torso hugging him intimately as if they've known him for years.

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