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"Wait! But..I-I heard you saying to mingyu that you liked him..?"

Jungkook said in confusion. His voice taking a more hurtful tone towards the end thinking taehyung was just playing with his feelings. But he dismissed the thought as soon as it came to his mind. He wouldn't do that to me. He's not like the others.

"Oh kookie, if you really did try to eavesdrop then you should've listened till the end. " Said taehyung wiping the now drying tears on the prince's cheeks with his thumb.

"Huh..? What do you mean?"


"Taehyung the thing is that..I like you."

"Oh..I like you too mingyu... you're a good friend." Said the oblivious boy trying to guess what 'important' thing the other person wanted to talk to him about.

"NO! I mean I like you not as a friend but in a romantic way.."


"Sooo... would you allow me to court you taetae?" Said mingyu making taehyung scrunch his nose at the nickname. Only his prince could call him that!

"No I'm sorry but I can't like you in that way mingyu and certainly not allow you to court me." Said taehyung in an apologetic tone.

"Why? Because you've already given your heart to someone?" Said mingyu in a slight mocking tone making taehyung's eyes widen.

"Don't be so shocked, almost everyone sees the heart eyes you give him all the time. Can't you see he's just nice to you because you're his attendant."

"That's not true! He genuinely cares for me." Said the boy in an offended tone quickly defending his prince.

"So what?! Even if he does care, he only does it because he sees you as a friend. Do you really think he'll accept your feelings? He's a prince and you're a commoner!"

"I KNOW! I know I can never be good enough for him. I also know he'll only ever see me as his best friend, his confidante and nothing more. But it's fine as long as I can stay by his side. That's all I'll ever want." Taehyung said feeling his eyes sting from trying to hold in his tears.

"Well if you know then why won't you let me court you? If you accept me, I can give you the love and care you obviously desire. Besides what does he has that I don't? It's obvious I'm far better than him! He's BLIND for god's sake! Completely usele- " Mingyu couldn't complete his sentence before his head was whipped to the side by the force of a strong slap.

"Do NOT talk about my kookie in that manner EVER! You can never EVER be as great as him! And if you dare to talk bad about him in front of me again, I won't stop at just one slap." Taehyung said with rage filling his face. His body was shaking with barely contained anger.

" YOU! How dare you slap me! Just you wait a little longer! You'll regret not accepting my feelings when I asked you nicely, you and your prince will pay!!" Mingyu said clutching his now red cheek and stormed off in rage.

End of flashback

Jungkook's jaw dropped after hearing the actual story from taehyung's mouth. Taehyung of course cut out the part at the end. He rubbed his nape sheepishly feeling embarrassed by the way he had reacted too quickly and had misunderstood everything. But the embarrasment was quickly replaced by giddiness when he realised that taehyung actually loved him back! He felt like he was on cloud nine.

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