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This chapter is not edited, feel free to point out any mistakes. Constructive criticism is much appreciated. Long chapter ahead.

The picture does not belong to me. Credit to the rightful owner.

Trigger warning: Torture, gore, angst, badass kookie.



Jungkook said stunned at the sudden revelation. He was standing in the conference hall of the palace surrounded by his parents and healer kim.The orange rays of the rising sun filtering through the curtains were illuminating the dark room with its warm hues, except there was nothing warm about that morning.

Chirping of birds could be heard in the distance indicating the arrival of a new day; the start of a new chapter in life. But jungkook's life had already ended the night before. His heart lay cold just like the cold body of his beloved kept in the healer's quarters. And if that wasn't enough torture, healer kim had decided to drop another bomb on his head.

Taehyung's gift.

Jungkook had been sitting by the cold corpse of his lover, holding his hand as if letting go for even a second would take away his ability to breath, to live, to exist. And as much as he wanted to follow taehyung to the beyond, he couldn't, he had promised his lover.

He had been sitting at the same spot for several hours when healer kim told him he wanted to tell him something important, something that concerned taehyung and his gift. After much pleading, he had gotten up and followed the three people to the conference hall absent mindedly.

When the royal family healer had informed him that taehyung had found a cure for him, he felt relief filling his being for a brief moment. The thought of finally seeing his lover, even if it was through portraits or sculptures, made his eyes water. All they had to do was find a suitable match for him and put their eyes into him.

This of course came with a bittersweet truth about taehyung's supposed 'trips'. Taehyung hadn't exactly lied about accompanying his father to help him earn a living, but he had hidden the fact that after helping him he would stay back in the town to research on how to transplant one's eyes with that of another person's, alongside the experienced healers of that place.

The technique wasn't unheard of, in fact some of the physicians that were called by the king to cure the prince had thought about this way too, but no one considered it safe enough to gamble with the prince's health and face their emperor's wrath if something went wrong.

Even after knowing this, taehyung had not given up and after extensive research found a safe and efficient way to go about the procedure. He was sure it would work, the question was who would be the donor? Being the self sacrifing person he was, he had tested himself first for compatibility and jumped in pure joy when it turned out that he was a perfect match.

But he couldn't just act on a whim and give his eyes to his beloved- which he had no problem with but his prince surely would have. So he told any and every physician he could find in each town he visited to keep an eye out for a possible donor and inform them immediately. 'Them' as in the king and the royal physician who he had told about his idea.

Though as a last resort, he had kept himself in the list of donors, deciding that if they couldn't manage to find a match in time he would be the one to give up his eyes. And in time meant before the prince's crowning ceremony.

If Jungkook got his eyesight before he was pronounced king, his remarkable skills coupled with his ability to see would make him unstoppable. He had also gotten the green signal from the king to do whatever he needed to do to cure the would-be emperor.

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