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This chapter is not edited, feel free to point out any mistakes. Constructive criticism is much appreciated.


Taehyung's ears were ringing with the sheer amount of voices resonating in his mind like the buzzing of bees, making his head ache in protest. It was as if he was in the middle of a raging crowd of protesters wanting to make their opinions heard, the only difference being that he could hear their words inside his mind instead of around him.

After a few seconds, which felt like a lifetime to taehyung, had passed did the voices finally stop. When the splitting pain in his head reduced to a dull ache, he noticed two things. One- someone was holding his hand tightly, two- seokjin was asking him if he was alright.

"Uh yeah..I think so." He replied in a calm voice, well as calm as he could pretend to be in a situation like this.

"Do you guys know each other..?"

"Yes! Yes we do."

Replied a familiar voice before he could open his mouth. His heart almost leaped from his chest, hearing the voice of a certain person after what seemed like an eternity.

"Okay. But first you need to sit down, you both look quite pale. Come this way. "

Seokjin had guessed something was wrong the moment taehyung had abruptly stopped at a table- which was occupied. His suspicions were confirmed after seeing the look on taehyung's as well as the other person's face. It didn't take long for him to guess they both knew each other and so he decided to escort them to a table for two, besides both looked like they would collapse at any moment.

He didn't have to guide taehyung- not because he always said he could manage on his own since he knew the interim of the cafe by heart after coming here regularly for years. He didn't have to guide him because the other person was already taking taehyung by the hand towards the table he gestured to.

He deliberately led them to a far corner of the cafe away from prying eyes since he thought they would prefer solitude to catch up in peace. He poured two glasses of water for them and asked them if they wanted to order something. When both said no, he quietly left holding the questions bubbling in his mind at bay.

After gulping down the whole glass in one go, taehyung's previously dry throat felt like it could function again. Despite wanting to say a lot of things, taehyung felt he wouldn't be able to form a coherent sentence just now, so he chose to remain silent processing all that happened a few minutes ago.


A voice startled him out of his reverie, making him flinch slightly. The hand clasping his own on the top of the table tightened after noticing his movement. Sure the voice was the same one from his dreams, but that couldn't possibly compare to hearing it in real life, after almost an eternity.

"I see you..."

Three words, just three simple words but those who knew the context behind them would know the immense weight those words held within them. Only they would know how much agony, pain, sorrow and struggle the person had endured to finally be able to say those words.

Taehyung was one of those people. And so he couldn't hold back his tears and they travelled freely down his flushed cheeks stopping for a millisecond at his wobbling chin before they landed in his lap. How much he had missed him, how much did his heart long to be in his presence again, to once again hold his hand, to hear his voice, to feel him again.

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