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This chapter is not edited, feel free to point out any mistakes. Constructive criticism is much appreciated. Long chapter ahead.

Angst? (just bear with me a little longer, everything will be fine soon.)

Also please listen to the song, I think it suites the chapter perfectly.


The prince had called the king and queen, healer kim and taehyung's father to his chambers. Though no one has such authority- or the audacity, to summon the king but with regard to the current situation his impudent behaviour was ignored.

Jungkook was waiting patiently in his room for the four people to arrive. He deliberately called them to his room and not to the healing quarters- which had become like his second home since the last 12 hours.

To announce the decision he had finally arrived upon, he needed to be away from his beloved, away from his presence. Or he wouldn't be able to gather enough courage to follow the path he had chosen for himself.

His ears perked up at the sound of approaching footsteps. He waited for them to enter his room before getting up to greet them with a slight bow. He was angry at them- yes but he hadn't forgotten the basic courtesy and manners he was taught as a kid.

As expected his mother was the first one to talk, "What is it you called us here for jungkook? Is everything okay?" His mother asked anxiously taking a step towards him but stopped when he took a step back.

Jungkook sighed and waited a few seconds to gather his strength. He coughed to get rid of the stubborn lump in his throat. It felt like ages since the last time he had filled his lungs with ample air and allowed himself to breathe properly.

He took a deep breath and said, "Queen! King! I apologize for troubling you but I needed you both to be present here for what I'm about to say. "

He didn't see the way his parents' faces twitched at his formal tone but he could guess. He wasn't ready to address them as his parents- at least not yet. The stab of betrayal was too fresh. Maybe when the wound would finally heal, their relations could go back to normal, one could only hope.

"I wouldn't take much of your time and get straight to the point." Deep breath. "I have made a decision...I'm going to go through the s-surgery. " His voice wavered at the end.

"That's great son! You made the right choice, I'm proud of you! " The king said making jungkook scoff internally but he maintained an indifferent face on the surface.

"BUT....on one condition. "

"What would that be?"

"You will punish all those who were involved directly or indirectly in the conspiracy against the empire, not just imprisonment but...execution. And the execution will take place once my eyes have healed completely. "

Jungkook put forth his condition shocking everyone in the room except one person, taehyung's father, he knew why Jungkook had requested such a thing. The other three could not believe this was the same boy who stayed as far away from bloodshed as possible and never participated in the hearing of criminals unless told to do so.

But this time was different, this time the blood spilt belonged to his taehyung, his love, his soulmate. He wanted to- no, needed to make sure his beloved's culprits were punished thoroughly. He needed to see the light leave their eyes himself. He needed to avenge his lover's death or his soul would always be agitated.

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