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This chapter is not edited, feel free to point out any mistakes. Constructive criticism is much appreciated. Long chapter ahead.

Trigger warning: Violence, death, slight gore, heavy angst.


The night was exceptionally quiet except for the faint chirping of crickets from somewhere amidst the bushes of the palace garden. The birds had retreated to their nests quite early today, each cuddling with their beloved in their cozy homes. While a certain prince was still waiting for his beloved to return.

Jungkook was standing at the east wing's entrance, his head leaning against one of the pillars supporting the roof. The silvery crescent moon was casting a faint glow on his face making his features look even more heavenly. The dark night sky was in contrast with the deep blue shawl draped around his torso to protect him from the cold winds that somehow seemed harsher today.

Jungkook had been standing at the exact same spot for quite a while now, maybe even hours, he had no idea and he didn't bother to know either. He was constantly tapping his foot against the furnished floor in anxiousness. Tae should've returned by now, what's taking him so long.

Jungkook's mind was clouded with worry, making it harder and harder for the prince to form a rational thought as the night progressed. The melancholic silence hung heavy in the air. The occasional howling of dogs in the distance made the atmosphere eerie. It was as if the animals had sensed an unknown danger approaching and were warning their fellow mates to keep an eye out for it.

The thought of taehyung just abandoning his plans to meet up with the prince and calling it a day had crossed jungkook's mind more than once. But he also knew the other boy would never go back on his word. Whenever he said he would be back, he had come back to him, albeit late but back nonetheless.

And only that knowledge had stopped the prince from retreating back into his chambers- and maybe also the fact that he desperately wanted to meet his lover before he would depart on his journey to who knows which town now.

"Do you need anything mother?"

Jungkook asked after a set of footsteps stopped by his side. He was exceptionally good at recognising people without them even saying anything. The echoes of their footsteps, the time gap between their strides, the sound of the soles of their shoes tapping on the ground, even the way they breathed gave them away.

It had taken him a long time to master this skill but he had to be perfect at it if he didn't want anyone catching him off-gaurd. Besides it would only benefit him when he finally became king. And that's why his mother wasn't surprised when he had recognised her immediately.

"Do I need a reason to see my son?" His mother asked with amusement in her voice.

"I didn't mean it like that. I just thought you'd be resting right now, it's pretty late at night."

"I could say the same about you. What are you doing out here?... Waiting for him?" His mother asked when she received no answer to her previous question.

Hearing the softness in his mother's voice, Jungkook decided to open up about his worries. "...Mother I'm worried. Taehyung said he would be back some time after dusk. It's been hours since the sun set."

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