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Beads of sweat trickled down Jungkook's back; tracing the curvature of his spine like a dew drop falling from the petals of a new born flower, and ended on the ground below. The sight in front of him made taehyung gulp causing his adams apple to bob up and down.

The sun was high up in the sky in all it's glory making the day a particularly hot one. This had caused the prince to practice in just his pants leaving his upper torso completely bare. Though the area around the training grounds wasn't much crowded save a few servants as everyone knew better than to disturb the prince's practice sessions.

However, this didn't stop the maids from taking sneak peaks of the prince's chiseled abs and his milky skin covered in sweat from behind the pillars; making taehyung roll his eyes occasionally. Can you blame me? I'm just protective of my prince!

The sounds of swords being sheathed by the two warriors snapped taehyung out of his stupor. Seeing that the session had come to a end, taehyung quickly jumped to his feet, grabbing the towel and the pair of formal robes kept on his lap, and rushed to jungkook's side.

Grabbing the towel, taehyung started wiping the sweat off of jungkook's face and body keeping in mind to not stare at the glistening skin for too long. The people around them weren't suprised at the scene for it was an almost daily occurrence for them.

Most days, taehyung would sit quietly at the patio by the grounds and watch jungkook practice with fascination in his eyes. He would insist on wiping his sweat and escorting him to his chambers afterwards. When others said it was the maid's job to do, he had argued back by saying, I'm the prince's person attendant so from now it's my job to take care of his necessities.

After making sure the prince was completely dry, taehyung grabbed the robes kept on his shoulder and helped Jungkook to wear it. He tied the sash around his waist and smoothened his robes. Just as he grabbed the prince's hands to escort him towards his quarters, a voice stopped him in his tracks.


Jungkook knew taehyung was at the periphery of the grounds watching him practice, he always watched him whenever he was at the palace and that was the reason Jungkook put extra effort while fighting off his opponent. When it was the end of that day's session, Jungkook sheathed his sword and stood expectantly with his arms hung low waiting for taehyung to dry him off with a towel.

He didn't have to wait too long before he felt a soft cloth wiping off his sweat in a gentle manner. When the soft touch descended to his chest only then did he remember he was half naked. He shivered slightly when taehyung's fingers accidentally brushed across his skin making a strange warmth pool in his stomach.

When he was done with wiping him off, taehyung helped him wear his robes. The way taehyung took care of him made Jungkook's heart flutter, the way my taehyung takes care of only me! When he felt his hands being grabbed, he almost started walking when someone's voice interrupted them, someone that I don't like at all.

"Greetings Prince Jeon! I'd like to borrow taehyung for a minute, I need to talk to him about something." Said mingyu.

Park mingyu was the son of a minister in the emperor's court. He was the same age as the prince and was allowed to visit the palace often as the king hoped his son would find a confidante in him. He was actually not a bad guy and maybe Jungkook could've been friends with him if it wasn't for his constant attention on his taehyung.

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