King (Part I)

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This chapter is not edited, feel free to point out any mistakes. Constructive criticism is much appreciated.

The picture does not belong to me. Credits to the rightful owner.



Taehyung asked trying so hard to keep his voice from shaking. He tried his best to not let his inner turmoil show despite the dread pooling in his stomach and the fear gripping his heart.


Jungkook squeled bouncing a little in his seat from excitement. If it was any other situation, taehyung would've cooed at his adorable behaviour but not right now, not when taehyung's everything was threatening to slip out of his hands like quick sand.

"A-Ah.. I'm excited kookie! When am I m-meeting them?"

Taehyung said forcing his lips to curve upwards but they dropped back down under the weight of his emotions. He wished he could delay the meeting for a while. But when had luck ever been in his favor?

"Today! I'm going to pick him up soon. " Jungkook said shattering all hopes of taehyung. "Would- would you like to come with me?" Jungkook asked a little hesitant.

Taehyung's heart dropped.


Despite the ache in his chest taehyung said yes, not wanting to miss an opportunity to spend time with jungkook. Who knows if he'll get such opportunities in the future or not? Besides letting his mind overanalyze and exaggerate everything while he sat in the cafe alone would be a dangerous idea.

"Here's the banana milkshake you ordered sir. "

Seokjin placed the drink on the table. Normally a waiter would've served his drink but seokjin wanted to check up on taehyung too so he came himself. He had seen them crying from the sidelines and was concerned as well as intrigued.

Jungkook took the drink muttering a quick 'thank you' while taehyung heaved a sigh of relief internally. This hyung always came on the right time. This would buy him a little more time to prepare his heart for what was to come.

"Hyung- " Taehyung stopped seokjin before he could leave. "This is Jungkook. " He said gesturing towards Jungkook with his hand. "He's an old..friend. "

Taehyung wasn't sure what was their relation now.

"Nice to meet you jungkook-shi. I'm kim seokjin. " Seokjin said bowing a little while eyeing the other boy suspiciously. Old friend? Why had Taehyung never mentioned him?

"Hyung I'll be leaving with him in a while. " Taehyung interrupted before Jungkook could say anything.

"Leaving where?" Seokjin asked squinting his eyes.

Taehyung smiled unconsciously, his heart swelling at the concern hidden beneath the question. Seokjin had always treated him like a brother, always took care of him but unlike the others he did it in a way that didn't make taehyung feel insignificant or weak.

"We're going to the airport to pick someone. I wanted taehyung to meet him so I'm taking him with me. " Jungkook said shivering slightly when the suspicious glance directed at him previously turned into a full blown glare. He's scary.

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