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Any and every historic event/place described here are purely fictional, with no connection to the actual history of South korea.


1320 AD :

Clanking of the swords clashing against each other were the only sounds disturbing the pin drop silence that had enveloped the atmosphere. A crowd of people had gathered at the periphery of the field, watching the majestic fight going on between the two skilled swordsmen.

In the middle of the widely stretched training ground built just adjacent to the east wing, the residence of the royal family, a lean but firm figure of a young boy could be seen practicing his sword skills.

Dressed in a navy blue hanfu with bright golden edges, his long hair was tied in a high pony, adorned with a pointed gold ornament. His body seemed to move with agility and precision, his hair swayed gracefully with every turn of his torso. The bright sunlight falling on him was giving a heavenly glow to his perfectly sculptured face. His confident aura and high class attire were a strong indication of his royal lineage.

The young boy, oblivious to the commotion going on around him, was focused solely on defending against the attacks of his opponent. Just as he was about to move his sword to block another advancing attack, a melodic voice entered his ears distracting him for a split second resulting in a slash on his bicep.

The soft humming came to an abrupt stop when his opponent, the commander in chief, called for a healer. He barely registered the stream of warm liquid running down his arm when he heard hurried footsteps coming from behind him.

"I'll take care of the Prince! "


Jeon Jungkook was the sole heir to the jeon empire, one of the biggest and most strongest empires of South Korea. It was expected of him to be skilled in every aspect and turn out as powerful as the king, Jeon Minhyuk, an emperor that was worshipped by his people.

Yet everyone had thought, no, knew he would fail when he was only an infant. And so the emperor's well wishers as well as the officials had advised him to just try for another son. The queen became pregnant again after a year but she was poisoned and lost the baby as well as her ability to carry another child. Even then the emperor refused to marry another, his wife was the only one for him. If this is what was written in his destiny, so be it, he would not give up on his only son.

The royal couple hadn't given up on their child but the whole kingdom had. The idea that jeon empire might crumble in the near future leaving behind only tales of its magnificence did not seem far fetched, after all, how could a blind kid carry the weight of an empire, the biggest one on top of that, on his shoulders. But their sneers and taunts morphed into awe and respect as the boy started growing up.

Jungkook wasn't oblivious to everyone's opinion of him, his vision was impaired but his hearing was intact. He could hear the hushed whispers whenever he passed through the corridors, could hear his father arguing with the officials about not getting a new wife to bear him another son when they thought the sound couldn't leave the room, could feel everyone's pitiful gazes on him, crawling on his skin like ants making him feel worthless, useless and pathetic.

He had met numerous healers in his life, his father trying so desperately to find a cure for him, but all of them had just bowed their head in fake shame and claimed they couldn't find a cure, huh! More like didn't try hard enough. Meanwhile Jungkook only sought to find motivation in their pity and lack of faith.

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