And it went like this...

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Kurts P.O.V.

I waited for the restroom door to open, and it did, I saw Hunter, his face was puffy and red because of all the crying, I decided to talk before he regrated opened the door.

K: Hunter... I'm soooo sorry about how I reacted before, it's just I hadn't even thought of forgiving him, I was too caught up on me.

H: I- it's o-okay. I get it.

K: No, it's not okay, but I promise that i'll do anything in my power to make that up, starting with helping you convince Finn to let Sebastian stay with us when he wakes up.

H: IF he wakes up...

There was this tone of sadness and hopelessness in his voice, I guess Finn's words really hit him hard. But he couldn't lose faith, everyone else had, included Quinn, she hadn't been speaking that much to anyone, not even Britt and Santana. He was the one who was keeping the little light that Sebastian would wake up one day alive in all of us, so seeing him, no, seeing the hope on his eyes vanish in front of me was something I wasn't going to accept.

K: He IS going to wake up, you taught me that, don't let Finn words make you believe another thing.

H: I know, but he does make a point, it's been two months and nothing has happened, it's getting harder and harder to keep believing that he is going to wake up.

I was about to talk when his phone started ringing, he took a deep breath and pick it up. His face went blank, he was frozen, I could hear how the person on the other side of the line, but I couldn't understand anything. All the sudden he started talking to the other person again, he was trying to process what they were telling him. He turned around and continued talking, he then turned around, and what he said, I wasn't expecting it at all.

Hunters P.O.V.

My phone started ringing so I answered it.

X: Good morning, is this Hunter Clarington?

H: yes, this is him.

X: Hello Mr. Clarington, I'm calling you from [insert hospital name here], we have some good news for you, Mr. Smythe is awake.

I froze, I couldn't believe this, I was so happy but at the same time I was so scared, what if he was awake but not himself, what if the damage on his brain was too much. I was brought back to earth when I heard the lady saying my last name, too many times.

H: Sorry, omg, I can't believe this, when can I see him?

She clearly heard the shock somehow 'cause she said, "you can see him right now if you want", I answered, "be there in five minutes", I hang up the phone and turned around, well I totally had forgotten that Kurt was in the bathroom, I saw his face of confusion and also I was about to explode so I decided to tell him the good news.

Kurt said he would drive me to the hospital and then he would get back to the school to tell everyone and to excuse me so that I don't get in trouble, I still can't believe this is really happening, it's been two months, and finally he is awake.

----------------------------- [after one long car ride]--------------------------------------

We arrived to the hospital and I immediately got out of the car, I ran to the secretaries desk and asked her for Sebastian and if I could go see him, she asked me if I was Hunter Clarington and I only nodded, she directed me to the room, not before telling me that Sebastian had been asking the nurses for me. I gave her a little smile and thought to myself, good he's talking. And he was asking for me, which means that he remembers me. I felt some relief, no, not some, a lot of relief. I turned around to see Kurt leaving the hospital. Then we arrived to Sebastian's room, I could feel myself being extremely nervous, I didn't fully understand why.

Nurse: Sebastian, you got a visitor.

Then she turned around and made sing for me to enter the room, and so I did, as soon as I saw him, I was in shocked, he still had a lot of cables but he didn't had those tubes he had before. I only smiled when I saw him, I couldn't really talk, one because I was afraid that nothing would come out, and second because I was afraid that he would blame me for this. And just in that moment he talked.

S: You know this isn't your fault, right?

I went from looking at the floor, to staring at him in surprise

H: How did you...?

S: We are best friends, as much as you know me, I know you (there was this little pause, it seams like he needed some water since his voice was really raspy) this isn't your fault, it's only his.

I sight in relief, I really thought he would blame me. I smiled and took the seat that I was so used to taking, but this time was different since he WAS awake. We continued to talk, everything was "normal" until I started noticing the effects that the comma had on him...

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