He is my best friend

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Quinn's P.O.V.

I had just arrived from glee club practice, still thinking about what Noah had done, I was so confused, I wanted to believe him so bad, but I also new better than to trust him. I was going through that moment on my head, analyzing every detail, on my head when my phone rang, it was probably just Seb checking up on me. I took my phone and answer it without looking who was it.

H: Hello, is this Quinn Fabray?

It was a voice I didn't recognize, probably one of those people who works on call centers

Q: yes, who is this?

H: So... I'm Hunter Clarington, I'm a friend of Sebastian, and I need you to come to the hospital right now.

Q: WHAT? Why should I trust a complete stranger who is telling me to go to the hospital?

H: because Sebastian is hurt pretty badly and doctors don't know if he'll make it, so as his friend I thought you might want to come and have the chance to be with him.

My heart stopped beating, unconsciously my hand moved to my belly, tears started falling from my eyes. I knew something was wrong. I hang up the phone and ran, I took the keys and ran into the car. I drove to the hospital and as soon as I entered I saw the Warblers, they all had blank expressions, as if the worse thing had been told to them, I rushed to see Nick, Jeff and Trent crying, not crying, balling their eyes out. Then a little bit more far there was a kid, he wasn't wearing a uniform, he had his face hiding behind his hand and he was on a fetal pose. I inmidietly knew he was the one that called me. I got closer to him.

Q: Hey, are you Hunter Clarington?

H: Yes, you must be Quinn

His eyes were red and puffy from all the crying, he dried some tears that were falling from his eyes and told me to seat, he told me everything that happened with Sebastian. Of course hormones didn't help and I started crying, it was horrible, like I knew that Sebastian's dad didn't liked him but getting to that point. Then we just sat and hold hands, not in a romantic way, in a "I got you" way. I started to replay every single conversation and situation that Seb and I had, looking for a single piece of evidence that could've indicated something like this was happening. The hissing when I hugged him, he never wanting anybody to help him when he was slushied, never wanting anybody to give him a ride or only walking with hi home, they were a lot of red flags that she had missed. OMG how did I missed this, they were so obvious, that is what she thought.

Doctor told everyone to go home, especially me since this kind of stress and emotion weren't good for the baby. As much as I wanted to be with Sebastian and help in any way, I couldn't risk losing my baby. I went home but I couldn't sleep, all the signs were coming and haunting me, making me felt guilty of not seeing them on the first place, making me blame myself for everything that happened to Sebatian.

The next day I felt alone at school, I walked through the halls and saw how everyone was acting norma, of course they would be, nobody knows anything about it yet. I was so used to being with Sebastian that being by myself felt wrong, I felt more vulnerable and insecure of everything. The day past by and I couldn't even go to the cafeteria because I was scared of what people might do to me now that I don't have my best friend by my side. That is right... I called Sebastian my best friend. I went to the choir room and Finn asked, "Hey Quinn, where is Sebastian? The others started asking again and saying how they haven't seen him in the entire day. I started to speak and everybody shut up and listened to me.

Q: Sebastian isn't here today because he is in the hospital (all of their faces showed surprise and worrisome) he was brutally attacked by his dad last night and doctors don't know if he is going to make it. (In that last sentence my voice cracked, and a tear fell down)

Everyone was silent, nobody could think anything to say. That glee club practice was the most awkward. Nobody said anything. I started praying, I prayed with all of myself, I practically begged god to let him be okay, to not take him.

Two months has passed, my pregnant belly is showing now, and it's getting difficult to go to the hospital and sit while holding Sebastian's hand. Not only because the belly gets on the way but because emotionally, everyday is getting harder to maintain faith, I can't believe that this is happening. Today I decided that I wasn't just going to do homework or talk to Hunter while we seat and wait for him to magically wake up. I decided that I was going to sing today, so I did.

Q: keep holding on, 'cause you know will make it through, will make it through

Then I heard someone singing the other line of the song, I looked up and it was Hunter.

H: Just stay strong 'cause you know I'm here for you, here for you.

We finished the chorus of the song and then visiting hours were over. I decided to go and get some coffee, Hunter joined me. We were on our way to the Lima Bean when Hunter's phone rang, he told me to give him a minute. His face went blank, he said thank you and then turned to me, he said... The jury has a verdict...

P.D: How did the trial go? Is Sebastian's mom going to jail? Is Sebastian gonna wake up or is he gonna stay in a comma? Is Hunter gonna do something stupid? What happened to the glee club after knowing that Sebastian hasn't woken up?

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