Losing faith?

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Hunters P.O.V.

After I got the call me and Quinn ran to the lawyers office, they wouldn't allow us to be inside the court house without any parental supervision because we are still minors and we all know that our parents would never come to this, we couldn't be there for the trial so the entire day we've been waiting for this call. Actually, the entire two days that it lasted. When we arrived at the office, he told us that he got bad and good news. The trial in the case of the dad was easy and had a good outcome for Sebastian, in the case of the mom, not so much. When we heard this we started to worry, how come the mothers trial didn't went well for Sebastian, she is worse than his dad.

He started to explain case by case, staring with his dad. After they got arrested and taken into the police station, since hours had past since Sebastian's dad had drunk alcohol, the levels on his blood were going down, leaving him with some symptoms of the abstinence syndrome. He started to get more and more anxious, he was sweating a lot and he couldn't think clearly. Still he confessed, he said that he wasn't ashamed of what he did, for trying to teach his son a lesson, but that he regrated that his son couldn't learn it and made himself suffer so much. I thought, how can someone be so out of their mind to think like that. The lawyer continued to say that it was easy because he confesses and because all of the evidence that pointed to him, that the police even saw him. Then he proceeded to explain that he is now sentence to prison and has a restraining order.

We felt a little bit of relief, his father was in prison, was paying for what he did, and he would never come near Sebastian again. But that relief was taken from us almost immediately, when the lawyer said, on the other hand, his mom is not in jail. We both just stare at him in disbelief, HOW IS IT POSSIBLE THAT SHE IS NOT IN PRISON. He then said that the defense on the case of the mom had said that at the time of the events (all of those years) Ms. Smythe had been battling with some mental illness, and it says on the Penal Code that if this is the case, the sentence should be reevaluated and depending on the level she is at, this should be reduce or she should be absolved. In her case, she was in a high level on a mental illness that no one is at liberty to discuss, meaning that she would be taken to a prison psychiatric institution for considering that her psychopathology affects her to a sufficient degree to have committed the crime. He told us that the psychiatrist that had examine her was an old friend of the family, that he tried to change it, but he didn't have enough evidence to do so. And on top of that, she didn't have a restraining order.

I was so upset, I know that she doesn't have a psychological problem, still I can't do anything to prove it. Sebastian was going to have to live with her mom, the person that was supposed to protect him from all of this but didn't, the person that ignore everything for years, the person that didn't love him enough to save him, I can't let him go through that, he had enough suffering for a lifetime. After that we said goodbye and left the office.

I went back to the house and got to my room, I needed to make a plan for when Seb wakes up, I know my parents won't let him stay here and Quinn's parents had enough on their plates with her pregnancy. Mercedes said she was willing to do anything to help, but her parents are super religious and are uncomfortable with homosexual people. I continued to think about it, until I remembered that Carole and Burt had told the doctors to keep them informed about Sebastian's condition, and when the social worker came to talk to them about being Sebastian's guardians they said that they were willing if it was okay with their sons. That's it, I need to convince Kurt and Finn to let Carole and Burt to be Sebastian's guardians.

-------------- The next day------------------------------

When I arrived at school, I started to look for either Finn or Kurt, then I found them both actually, perfect timing. I got close and greeted them.

H: Hey Finn, Kurt

K: Hey Hunter, how can I help you today?

F: Yeah, what do you want, you only talk to us when you need something.

Dang, that is true, I've isolated myself from the world, it is easier for me to be with Sebastian if I have no social life, now that I think about it this isn't healthy.

H: So as you might have heard Sebastian's dad is going to prison, and it is possible that Sebastian is not gonna want to go back to living with his mom, so I know that Carol and Burt are willing to take Sebastian in if you are okay with that.

K: NO, uh uh, he might have gone through hell but I haven't forgave him for what he did, I mean he throwed a slushie that had rock salt in it to my boyfriends eye and photoshop Finn's in order to blackmail Rachel.

F: And besides, he hasn't even woke up, and honestly I don't think he will so why don't you just start accepting the fact that he is gone, and stop bordering us with the if he... talk.

I didn't said anything, I could see how Kurt gave him a little kick that told him he had gone to far, he tried to apology for what he said but I just left. I couldn't listen to him, I knew he had a point but I couldn't accept that he was gone, I needed to believe that he had still a chance. I went to the bathroom and closed it, I needed to be alone, what Finn had said had hurt too much, specially because I was starting to believe it.

Kurt P.O.V

After Finn said all of that about Sebastian being gone and Hunter needing to accept that and stop bothering with the what if, I could saw on Hunters face the pain that those words brought, it was an unbearable amount of pain, I kicked Finn, telling him that the answer had been too much. He tried to apology to Hunter but he just ran away. He had hurt him and badly.

K: Finn, you didn't had to be so rude about it, his best friend is the one in that bed, imagine if it was Puck.

F: I know, I didn't meant for it to sound so rude, but how can he ask us to do something like take Sebastian in after everything he did.

In that moment Blaine appeared, he had seen everything and he got worried about Hunter, mainly about the reason he had ran away as fast as he could from his boyfriend and his step brother. Blaine decided to get close to them and ask them

B: Hey Kurt, Finn, what was all of that about.

I decided to tell him all of it, Blaine looked as if he was about to kill Finn, but when I was about to talk to him, he started talking.

B: I don't even know where to start, how can you turn your face to someone that has gone through hell and worse Kurt, he is one of us, he suffered all of that because he is part of the same community we are part of, I WAS the one who got slushied and got hurt and I cannot wait for him to wake up to tell him that I forgive him, I think you should do the same, or did you forgot that when you were bullied the same person that used to throw you into the trashcans was the same who defended you? And you Finn, yes, he photoshop you, yes he blackmailed Rachel but then he deleted all of the copies and they never got public. WE ALL MADE MISTAKES, but we got people who helped us and we had a second chance, why doesn't he gets one? Oh and by the way Finn, Hunter has enough in his plate, by only looking at him for two seconds you can see that everyday is getting harder for him to believe that his best friend is going to be fine, that he isn't gonna lose him. And from what he told us he must be feeling a lot of guilt because he knew what was going on and never did anything to stop it, so you... telling him to accept that Sebastian is gone isn't helping him, its making everything worse.

After that rant Blaine looked at both of us with a disappointed look and then went to class, I couldn't concentrate, I had Math at the first period, class that I shared with Hunter, but he never appeared. The thought of his look when Finn told him that was haunting me, I was starting to think that something really bad had happened to him as the minutes passed and he didn't arrive. I decided to ask the teacher for permission to go to the restroom, as soon as he gave it to me, I started looking for Hunter, I couldn't find him anywhere until I passed in front of the Gyms bathroom, and I heard crying that was coming from it. I decided to knock on the door.

K: Hunter... I know you're in there, please let me in

Then the door opened 

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