Is the truth out? Or the secret continues?

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Sebastian POV

The next day at Glee Club practice the Warblers paid us another visit, I wasn't surprised since we had to prepare that number for invitationals. The first one to come in was Trent, he asked something to Mr. Shue, after receiving a positive answer he then left again. Mr. Shue introduced the Warblers and then they entered the room while starting to sing (Acapella style) "Uptown Girl" from Billy Joel.

Memories started flooding my mind, my first performance as a Warbler, the start of one of the greatest years of my life. Then I was brought to present when Trent took my hand and dragged me so I could join the rest of the group. After the performance I was really feeling good, I hadn't been feeling that nice in a very long time but they managed to make me feel good. After that the Warblers and the New Directions started organizing the performance. Again, I got lost, but this time I was having flashbacks of that first day at Dalton.

---------------------------- Begging of Flashback-----------------------------------------------------------------------

It was my first day at Dalton, the first person to say hi to me was this blonde guy. I could see he was super active and that kind of freak me out. Still I said Hi back and then got to the Headmasters office. He basically told me that I was going to be the captain of the Warblers, that he was expecting us to win nationals and that I was going to have a co-captain. Then he proceeded to tell me where my dorm was located, dorm 312 at the east wing of Dalton.

When I got there this guy was already in there, I obviously was surprised, but then he introduced himself and told me that we were roommates and that he was going to be the co-captain. We talked for a while and then we had the first rehearsal ever. Nick started singing Uptown Girl and since it was one of my favorite songs then I proceed to sing with him, Thad join in and all of the sudden the Warblers were performing for the first time. I had forgotten about my dad and my mom; I was just having a really good time with some really nice people.

--------------------------- End of the Flashback-------------------------------------------------------------------------

Then I started listening to what they were saying that the auditions would be open to anyone, that they were on Thursday and that the judges would be Mr. Shue and Ms. Pillsbury. I was excited and obviously I signed up to sing the solo. I thought about song choices for the audition until glee practice was over. Then I had to take the road back to hell, I mean home.

Jeff's POV

When Glee practice was over, I decided to talk to Nick, alone. I told him that we needed to talk and to meet me on our dorm room. Once he arrived I said "Have your dad found anything yet?" and he answered "No, this kind of things usually takes 2 to 3 days" I nodded and then decided to tell him why I really wanted to talk to him "I know that right now might not be the best moment to say this since we are worried about what Sebastian might be going through but I just cannot keep pretending that everything is the same when it's not, I love you Nick, I have loved you since the first day that we met and I was so afraid of loosing our friendship that I never did anything, but I can't hide it anymore" Nick was in shock, he didn't say anything, great I ruined our friendship, how could I be so stupid to think that he would like me back, but my thoughts were interrupted when Nick's lips crushed with mine. It was the sweetest yet hottest kiss I had ever had.

After some minutes of us just cuddling and kissing each other, Nick's phone rang, he took it and answered it, it was his dad, he was giving him the information about this guy. As soon as they ended the call, they decided to call this guy and tell him that they were worried about Sebastian (in hopping that he still remembers him). "Hello, who is this?" that was the first thing they heard after three rings on the phone. "emm Hi, I'm Nick Duval from Dalton Academy?" there was a moment of silence "Ohhhh from the Warblers"- "Yes"- "Dude how is it going, how is everyone?" (good he remembers) "well that is kind of why we are calling" then Nick proceeded to explain to him our worries about Sebastian and he told us that he would be here (at Ohio) by tomorrow afternoon.

After the call ended, we looked at each other, we were even more worried than before, this had to be something serious, otherwise he would not had decided to come. I decided to text Trent and fill him up on what was happening. Then we decided to go to sleep and hoping that tomorrow everything would be clearer. We gave each other a goodnight kiss on the forehead and turn the lights off. It was easy to fall sleep.

---------------------------------> Next Day <-------------------------------------------------------------------------------

We woke up at the sound of the alarm, I still couldn't believe that Nick was now my boyfriend. Niff is real. Also, I couldn't believe that it was today that help was going to get here and maybe Sebastian is going to have it easier... or at least I hope so. While I was lost thinking about this, Nick woke up and crawl into my bed and cuddle with me, snapping me out of my thoughts. After ten minutes we started getting ready for our day, we had our classes and ten minutes before the last hour was over Nick received a text message saying that the guy was already here and that he was waiting for us on the Lima Bean. My anxiety kicked in, I didn't know what was going on and frankly I wasn't even sure if I wanted to know, not because I didn't wanted to do anything I can to help Sebastian, but because I don't know if I am going to be able to handle it.

Nick noticed this an gave me a reassurance look, I smiled at him and we excuse ourselves from the class. We went to our dorm, took my car keys and then we went to the Lima Bean. The whole ride Nick and I were having a small talk, trying to distract ourselves. We were planning our first date, maybe at Breadstix, the movies and then a kissing session on our dorm. Finally, we arrived, my hands starting sweating, but Nick hold it and then we decided that it was time to enter. We opened the door and started looking around for him. We found him on one of the tables at the back of the café. We went over there and we greed him.

Jeff: "Hey man, long time no see"

X: "Hey, I know right"

We continue with the small talk until he decided to talk about the elephant in the room, the whole reason he was even here, what was going on with the ex-warbler, why was our friend acting so weird, and the most important, was he okay?

X: Okay guys, as much as I would love to catch up with you more, I think that is time that we start on the Sebastian matter...

We nodded and he continued

X: So... as you must suspect I do know what is going on with Sebastian, and because I know you are both smart I know that you must have inferred that it is something with a level of importance or else I wouldn't have fly to be here. So, let's start.

My head was running wild, his smile had disappeared, he had a serious expression and his eyes were filled all of the sudden with fear and pain, it was scary because that just confirmed that this wasn't going to be some kind of simple problem.

X: First, this is not my secret to tell so I am not going to tell you exactly what is going on, I'm sure that he will tell you when he is ready, and to make you feel better, he didn't exactly told me, I found out by "mistake". Second, it isn't a light problem, it is a complicated problem that has been going on for a long time and that is slowly getting worse, and for my reaction you can just calculate how bad it has been. Third, if he is acting like that then we need to act as fast as possible. I am assuming that you already knew that and that's why you called me but now that I'm here I need you to take me to where he is, there's a bigger chance he'll open to me than to someone that has no idea what is going on. And you two and Trent are going to have to do two things, first one is to invent an excuse for him not to be in glee club practice and two, don't let anyone try and find us 'cause this could just ruined the entire plan.

Again, we just nodded and then we texted Trent telling him about the plan, we put it on motion. The three of us leave the Lima Beans and got into my car, we drove to McKinley High School. As soon as we arrived, I got out of the car and told Nick and him to wait on the car, that I would bring Sebastian. They both agreed, I entered and walk down the halls until I found Sebastian, I told him to come with me, that there was something that I needed to show him and after some minutes I managed to convince him to come. When we arrived to my car and he saw who was on the car, he paralyzed. And he said...

P.D. Is their plan gonna work? Are we finally gonna know who misterious guy is? Are we gonna know what is the deal with Sebastian and this guy? Are Niff gonna find out about the truth? 

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