How to save a life?

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Hunter's P.O.V.

I don't really remember how I got here; a policeman was trying to ask me some questions but I couldn't understand what he was telling me. All I could think about was seeing Sebastian, at least knowing if it had been too late. A few seconds later a bunch of people wearing matching uniforms came in, the Warblers, how did they know where to go. I checked my phone and saw that I had texted Trent, told him to come to the hospital, I must be in shock since I don't really remember anything apart from hearing my phone ringing and not being able to answer it. Finally, I was staring to understand what the officer was saying.

P.O: Sir, can you answer me some questions?

His tone was a little aggressive which I realized they must have been trying to talk to me for a while.

H: Of course (I still wasn't a hundred percent aware of what was happening)

P.O: So, what is your name?

H: Hunter Clarington

Another bunch of questions to break the ice and giving me some time to get myself together again.

P.O: So, Mr. Clarington, how did you know your friend Sebastian was in danger?

Then I told him everything I knew, and he left, I got out of the room and immediately got attack by most of the Warblers asking questions, I shut them up and begged them to let me explain. Again, I told them everything I knew. Most of them were in shock, Trent, Jeff and Nick were crying, at the end of the day they were the ones that move earth and sea to bring me here to see if I could help at all with the Sebastian's situation.

After what it seemed to be an hour maybe two, a doctor came to the waiting room, he was asking for the family of Sebastian Smythe, I ran to him and told him that I was the closest thing he had to a family, he nodded and proceeded to explain the extent of his injuries. He started from toes to head, he had a broken leg which was the least of his problems, he also had a massive bleeding on his abdomen and a collapse lung do to a fracture rib that made a hole on his left lung. Adding to that they also had to remove his splint and had to put him on a ventilator since he wasn't able to breath on his own. His neck was swollen, consequence of his dad chocking him, and last he had a bleeding on his brain which was causing that the pressure on his brain was above the normal ratio. He then told us that they weren't sure if he was going to make it and to prepare for the worse, then he left. I just put my hands on my face and rest them on my knees, I couldn't believe this was happening.

The other Warblers had listened too, they were in silence, probably trying to understand what was going on. I could feel this anger building inside of me, I was angry at his dad for doing this to him, to his son, how could he do that. Oh and don't get me started on his mom, freaking useless person, she could've stopped him, way before it got this bad, way before Sebastian was lying on a hospital bed fighting for his life. But mostly I was angry at me, for not doing something before it got so bad, for not telling an responsible adult that day at Dalton, for trusting that he could handle it, for leaving him without saying a word, for letting this situation almost killed his best friend. Then I started crying, the guilt, the anger, the feeling of being powerless, they were overwhelming me.

I spent the night on the waiting room, I refused to leave in case anything happened, good or bad. Then the same doctor from yesterday came, this time with another doctor by his side, "Good morning Mr. Clarington, I'm Doctor Wilson and I'm in charge of Sebastian Smythe care" I just greeted her back with a fake smile, "I'm afraid I have some good and bad news, Sebastian's latest scans shows that the bleeding on his brain has grown and needs to be repaired by surgery as soon as possible, on the other side, the bleeding on his abdomen has stopped and the breathing on his left lung is better too, nor less the surgery is still a risky move but there is no other option, we are going to have general surgeons ready on the OR in case they are needed, and Mr. Clarington let me assure you we are doing everything to save your friend" I only thanked her and watch her go.

I went to the hospital's cafeteria, although I wasn't really hungry, I bought a coffee and a cronut and then went back to the waiting room. A few moments later, Trent and Niff arrived, I told them what Dr. Wilson had told me and then we just sat in silence while we waited for the surgery to be over. Every now and then I could hear Niff giving each other hope, telling each other that his friend was going to get through this, but will he? And if he does then what kind of life is he gonna have, I mean his probably gonna have some affectations on his neurological system, IF he wakes up. A few hours later, Dr. Wilson appeared with the company of the neurosurgeon Dr. Rees, he was famous because he had saved cases that were lost cases, at least he is treating Sebastian, that will increase his chances of getting out of this with the less amount of affectations possible, the explained to us that the surgery had been a total success, however they won't know how much he was affected until he wakes up.

I finally got to see him, he had a lot of cables and tubes on him, also his face was covered on different tones of reds, pinks and purples. This only made my anger grow, how can someone do this to their own son, and how could someone let this get to this point. I took Sebastian's hand and I promised him that I wasn't gonna leave him, geez I don't even know if he can hear me so what am I doing. Then I stayed in there the whole day until the visiting hours were over. For two moths that have been my daily routine, wake up, get ready, go to school (yeah I managed to convince my parents to let me transferred back to Ohio, this time to Seb's school) and the visiting him until I was forced to leave, then stayin up late thinking about what could I have done different to avoid this from happening, if only i had known How to safe a live.

P.D: Is Sebastian gonna wake up any time soon? Is Hunter's mental health gonna decline even more? Is he gonna continue with blamming him self and how is going to affect him? How is Quinn after knowing what happened? Did she blamed her self? 

Faraway for too longजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें