Unexpected visitors... not so bad

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Quinn asked me if I was okay, she continued to say "I'm asking because when I hugged you, both times, you had a weird reaction..." I replied as calm as I could, since that is something that alters me, she could figure it out anytime now. "yeah, I'm just not used to people hugging me, I wasn't really nice to people last year so people didn't hug me that often, that's all" Liar, I told to myself. She still didn't bite it completely but decided to drop the topic. We stayed a little longer, making suggestions of songs that we should do, and joking around. It was getting late so we decided to go home, and you already know how the story went.

Next day--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

I woke up and did my morning routine, and went to school, my day was pretty much the same as always, being with Quinn, getting slushied, changing, trying so hard to not expose myself. Then I went to glee club practice. As soon as I arrived, a smile formed on my face, the Warblers were there, I let go of Quinn's hand as soon as I saw Jeff and Nick comming up to were I was. Without any warning they hugged me, even though that hurted like hell, I was grateful to see those guys again. After they let go they started asking a bunch of questions. We hadn't seen each other since April, when we finished freshman year, and it was now August, so I didn't panick at all, instead I tried answering as much questions as I could without telling to much.

I sat next to Jeff and Nick, Trent was sitting next to Quinn who was next to me. Mr. Shue was explaining to us that Jeff (who was now the captain of the Warblers) and him had been talking and they decided that for Invitationals we should prepare a performance together. Being able to spend more time with my friends, singing and dancing, less time at my house, perfect. Then he continued to explain after some of the New Direction members were complaining, that we are show choirs, that we should be supportive of each other and not trying to tear each other apart. He gave me a look, ouch, point taken. 

They started disscusing about what song should they do, who would be the lead singer, they proposed that they did auditions. For the first time in front of the Warblers and New Directions I was quiet, I was just tiered, I was lost on my thoughts again. Quinn wasn't by my side, she was with Britt and Santana trying to come up with a choreography, which meant that she wasn't paying atention to me... thank god, I needed a moment to just get lost without anybody suspecting something... but of course that wasn't the case.

Jeff lightly move my arm, managing to take me off my toughts, he said "dude, are you okay, you are like scary silent today?" then Nick said "yeah, you always have something to say but today your quiet and you seem kind of off". I obviously panic on my insides but answered them "I just agree with the song that you chose, I underestimated your musical taste when I was captain, and as for the lost and kind of off, I'm just tiered that's it". They bought that, or at least that is what I thought, and a smile formed on Jeff's face when he heard the compliment on his musical taste. But Trent knew better, even though he didn't said anything during practice he could see right through Sebastians acting.

Trent POV

We arrieved to Dalton and I asked Jeff and Nick to meet me in the music room in five minutes, I was really getting worried about Sebastian, when he was at Dalton I was in the room next door, I could hear him waking up every night from what sounded like a nightmare and he would always get more cocky and rude when visiting or the holidays season were comming up. Now that he is at his new school I kindda lost track of his attitude but today was just another proof that something is wrong.

I arrived to the music room and waited for Niff (Nick and Jeff ship name), five minutes later they arrived, this wasn't something new, they were always late for everything. Then I told them to close the door and I started to tell them all of my worrys towards Sebastian. They said that they agree with me, that they could feel that something was wrong but that they didn't want to push him, the issue is that he never opened up. And now it feels like he is getting worse.

We started to create a plan in which he ended up trusting us enough to tell us what was wrong, we wanted to help in anyway we could. We were interrupted a couple of time by some Warblers that were comming to practice some more since they weren't as good as the others so we deiceded to continue this on my dorm. An hour pass and we couldn't figure out a way to get him to tell us. Then Jeff's eyes turned to look at Nick, they were telling him that he knew what to do. Then I asked what was his plan was and he started explaining "When Sebastian was here we had a co-capitain remember, Sebs roomate and closest friend, that suddenly dissapeared." Nick and I both nodded remembering that kid but still not knowing where did he fit on this situation, then Jeff continued "he was his CLOSEST friend, which could mean two things, he already knows what is happening to him or he has the best shot at getting him to open up, the only thing is nobody knows where he is...". To that Nick answered "If we had a name maybe my dad could pull some favors and try to find him". I answered "his name was..."

After that Nick called his dad and told him everything, his dad was happy he could help and that his son felt he could count on him, he told him that in a few days he'll give him the information that he was asking for. Nick, Jeff and I started thinking of a way to make Sebastian feel better, even if it was only for two minutes. We brainstormed for a long time and got no where until I remebered something and got an Idea, I proposed "What if we sing Uptown Girl with him, since this was the first song he ever did as a Warbler and is one of the funniest and enjoyable to do". They agreed and they started texting the other Warblers telling them to prepare for the surprise  performance.

And with that Jeff and Nick headed back to their dorms and I got into bed, praying that Nick's dad found this guy, that the performance helps a little bit, and above everything else, that Sebastian's issue isn't permanent or that bad.

Pd: Who's Sebastian's friend? Why did he left? Is Sebastian gonna tell him? Is there plan gonna work? What is the story of their friendship?

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