The worst nightmare becomes true

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Again, I did my morning routine, went to school, let's just skip that cause it is always the same. Quinn and I were going to the choir room and we were talking about silly stuff until we were stopped by non-other than Noah Puckerman, aka the guy that knocked up Quinn. He said hello to both of us and then centered all his attention to Quinn, maybe he does like her and want to do anything to keep her and the baby safe, probably not. Then he gave her an enveloped that contained a large amount of money, we both looked at each other confused, then he proceeded to explain that he had gotten a job and that the money had come from it. He promised again that he was going to try his best to do good for that baby and for her. I could see how Quinn was in shock and how a smile was forming on her face. Since she was in shock and wasn't really talking, I decided to try to comprehend what was that feeling that I had yesterday after being with Hunter.

Quinn POV

I was just talking to Seb, gosh it was so good to have a friend like him, although I'm still worried about him, there is something definitely wrong with him, but I don't really want to push him, so I just try to focus on other stuff. Okay, going back, we were talking when all the sudden Puck appears in front of me. I couldn't believe it, what was he doing there and why would he try to talk to me? He then greeted both of us and then he gave me a envelope, I opened, still confused as to why, when I did I realized that the enveloped had a lot of money inside, he told me that he was planning on keeping me and the baby fine, I actually cannot believe it, I THINK HE REALLY MEANT IT. I think I'm gonna give him a chance. I continued to think about this throughout the entire practice.

Sebastian POV

We arrived to the choir room and Quinn was still on another planet, I was curios about what she was thinking but at the same time I was glad I had the time to think without getting worried about someone noticing that something is wrong. I couldn't stop thinking about that feeling, it was warm, safe, welcoming, it was a nice feeling, but I didn't know what it was. I continued to overthink this during the whole practice, when it ended Quinn and I say goodbye and we headed to our houses.

On the way home, I decided to call Hunter, even though I couldn't label what I was feeling when he was around, I knew inside of me that it was something good, nor less scary. We talked about stupid stuff that happened at school and he told me about his day, until I arrived to the house, which I'd like to clarify it's not my home. Since I was on the phone I run to my bedroom, I was lucky that my dad was at the kitchen today. We talked for like another twenty minutes until everything went wrong.

Hunter POV

We were just talking when I heard a loud noise, then I heard some more and I immediately knew what was happening, I started to head to the door when I heard a LOUD noise, what I could imagine being Sebastian being thrown around by his father, I hang up and called Trent, it was the first number I found from someone who lived here in Ohio, he didn't answered, I called him again, and he answered.

H: Trent, I'm gonna need you to call 911 tell them to go to (gives Sebastian address) and tell them to hurry, that there is someone trying to kill your friend.

He could hear the desperation and worry on his voice, he was feeling that and anger, he should have done more before this got to this point, it was his fault, if anything happened to Sebastian it'll be because he didn't do what he had to. He was supposed to tell a responsible adult and notify the authorities, he was supposed to betray Sebastian in a certain way just to keep him safe. Why didn't he? All this questions and thoughts were running inside his head as he ran to Sebastian's house, luckily it was only four blocks away from his hotel.

T: what, what do you mean by that? HUNTER WHAT IS GOING ON?

His voice was ten times higher and it was shaky, he was scared.


Hunter was one block away when he hang up the phone, then he stopped.

What am I supposed to do when I arrived, stop someone that is ten thousand times stronger than me and that is on a state of mind where he doesn't even give a f*ck who he hurts? I cant do that, that wouldn't be helpful for Sebastian, but also not doing anything is signing a death sentence to him. I couldn't figured it out, every second that passed that I was standing there doing nothing I started to get more anxious, I couldn't stop thinking about what was going on, I felt helpless, I fel useless and a terrible friend.

Then I was brought back to earth when I heard sirens, I almost cried, I was so relief, now I was just hoping it wasn't to late. I stared waving at them since they looked a little lost, the stopped where I was and I told them everything and guide them to Sebastian's house, I went with them. When we all got out of the police cars, we heard loud noises, like the ones you hear in a scary movie. The policed entered and there was a lot of yelling for both parts, loud noise and then silent, that silent that fills you with terror and anxiety, then the police officers got out of the house with Sebastian's parents, they both were handcuff and his mother was crying, she said that she was innocent, of course she would said that, she was even worse than his dad.

A few minutes past and Sebastian was no where to be seen, I asked the officer that had gone out with his parents and he told me to stay where I was and to not get into the house, I started to get more and more worried as the time past by, nobody was telling me anything, not even if he was alive or not. An ambulance arrived and the paramedics rush inside the house, there was a lot of voices screaming things and then I got to see him, I was in shock, I couldn't move, I was frozen. Time stopped passing, earth stopped moving, my heart stopped beating. I could hear my phone ringing, but I couldn't answer it.

Sebastian POV

It all happened so fast I cannot even remember well what went down. I remember him getting into my room, the whole room spinning, I remember he dragged me and throw me down the stairs, you would think that I passed out and I don't remember anything else because everything went black... sadly no, I remember everything hurting and me screaming out of pain, my mom was just looking out the window, ignoring everything like she always do. Without a doubt this was the worst beating I had ever received. After he went downstairs, he picked me and throw me against the wall, and everything started to be blurry, I couldn't even hear well, then I felt some air and that is when everything went black.

P.D. Is Sebastian dead? Is his mother gonna go to prison? Is Hunter gonna come out of his shock? Is Trent gonna go to the house? Did he told anyone else?.

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