How long can you hide things?

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Next morning I woke up with the annoying sound of my alarm, my full body was in pain but... again... nothing new there ... I got up from bed and went to the bathroom in order to get ready for another day at school. As soon as I closed the door, I let the water run, I took a long hot shower allowing the water to run through the parts of my body that were bruised by yesterdays lesson. This actually helped to numb the pain, at least a little bit. I got out of the shower and wrap a towel around my waist... then saw myself on the mirror... the left part on my chest cover in a variation of colors between blackish purple, red and in some parts took a greenish tone since the bruising process wasn't complete. My right cheek was lightly red but my left one was cover with a dark purpple ... great this is going to be more difficult to cover, I thought.

I got out of the bathroom and got dress, I decided to put on a hoodie and some jeans with some white vanns. I went to my parents room, luckly they weren't there, grabb some of my mom's make-up and started to cover the nasty bruised on my face, that is right... I covered the bruises so that nobody notice them and ask question 'cause I really don't want to answer them, I mean I know how to answer them but I'm terrified of the consequences. Obviously I didn't covered the one on my lip since everyone in the glee club had seen what happened and it would be weird that it healed from one day to another. When I was done I grabbed some painkillers, took one and packed some on by backbag, I also packed an extra hoodie, since I knew I was going to need it later that day. Then I left for school but stopped on the way to McKienly to grabb some coffee from the Lima Bean.

As soon as I arrived to school I was greeted by Quinn who was waiting for me, then I remember that she had texted me and that I didn't replied. She got closer to me and said "why didn't you replied to my text, you had me hanging on all night, I was really worried, especially after what happened on the practice and you going home on your own"... I apologized "I'm so sorry, I got caught up on my homework and then I fell sleep and forgot to replied". After that she forgived me and we entered school together, of course I was greeted by the football team, but since I was with Quinn they didn't throw me against a locker... I was gratefull about that since that would be really painfull do to the consequences that the lesson my father gave me last night had left on me. That didn't mean that they just left me alone... they slushied me. I decided to run to the bathroom, I couldn't risk anybody seeing the bruise on my cheek, I started to curse, I didn't have the make-up and it was starting to show. Quinn followed me and was trying to get in... I didn't want her to see the bruise, I mean she knows that my dad is an alcoholic and that he doesn't like me that much but she doesn't know about the physical abuse. 

I managed to keep it hidden, I don't know how but I did, then I let Quinn in, I told her I was chainging, which wasn't a lie, I needed to change my hoddie and again, I couldn't let her see my chest. Then we walk to class. The rest of the day I was surrounded by Quinn, the comments never stopped but at least nobody could "touch" me. It felt nice to have someone on my side, someone that was there for me and that gave me hope that everything was, eventually, going to be fine, it made me feel safe, even though I knew that eventually I would have to be the strong one for her, I would have to be the one to defend her from the ones that wanted to treat her as "good" as they treat me. I just didn't thought that it would be this soon...

We were headed to the choir room when David Karofsky commented "Quinn "slut" Fabray, we know your secret... we know you got a bun on the oven". In that exact moment everyone that was around turned to look at her, she was panicking... I took her hand and run to the choir room before anyone else could comment on what had just happened. She was shaking, her secret had just been revealed to the whole school. 

We arrieved to the choir room and all the New Directions were there, they started attacking Quinn with questions "Who is the father?", "Is it true, you are pregnant?", "How long have you known?", "Why didn't you tell us sooner?"... that wasn't helping with her attack so I decided to return the favor, I screamed "EVERYBODY JUST SHUT UP, don't you see that right now she doesn't need detectives, nor the critics that you are giving her, she needs her friends and support 'cause this is one of the most difficult times of her life". With that everybody went quiet, they didn't know what to say, what to do, the only thing you could hear were the sobbs coming from Quinn, I was hugging her, I was whisppering that she would be okay, that she could count on them, that they react like that just because they were in shocked... but, were they? 

She returned the hug wrapping her arms around my torso, unfortunaltely one of her hands landded on one of the bruises on my chest and I wince a little because of the pain but inmediatly return to the position I was. Of course, Quinn noticed this, well I'm screwed. She looked at me trying to get an answer as to why did I had that reaction but I simply ignored it and suggest to her that she should explain to the rest of the group how did she ended up on that situation. 

She obviously took the hint that I didn't want to talk about it but mouthed "We need to talk". Then she proceed to pull away from the hug and went to the front of the class, in the mean time I scanned the whole room, searching for any kind of signal that anybody else had seen the reaction I had. Luckily nobody had. Now ... I need to figure out what am I gonna say to Quinn, should I tell her the truth and risk that she envolves more people, maybe that would be good, this to end, no more pain, no more bruises... but they are the only family I have, I was going to end up alone if I let anyone help me, I couldn't risk it so I guess I'll just tell her that I fell. I decided to stop thinking about it when I started feeling what seemed to be the start of an anxiety attack and focus on Quinn, she stared telling her story and looked at me for comfort...

Pd: I hope you liked it. How did Quinn ended up in this situation? Would she buy Sebastians excuse or would she pressaure him into telling her the truth? Is he gonna tell her? What would the New Directions do about Quinn's pregnancy? 

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