Glee club practice or should I say torture

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The first one to talk was Brodway Berry, and her words were meant to hurt, she said: "this twink cannot be in the New Directions, he is not half as talented as the people in this room, we don't know if he is here to spy on us and then leave and also you don't remember everything that he did last year, frankly, I don't trust him and I don't want to, he is just a bad person". The next one to talk was Santana and she said "ah ah, NO ME GUSTA, he almost blinded Blaine last year and I cannot perform if I go all Lima High on his ass and kill this B**ch..." she was cutt of by Mercedes saying "Oh HELL TO THE NO Mr. Shue, I don't feel comfortable with him on this team... so if he's here, I'm not". It was total caos, the only thing I wanted was to dissapear because getting home would be worst than staying on that room that had people that look like they are just about to throw themselfs to kill me.

Then Quinn shush everyone, she said " EVERYBODY JUST SHUT UP, a) we haven't even let him tell us why he is here, and b) we don't know what was going through his head when he did what he did last year, we can't chage our past but we can work really hard to be better and change our future. I believe that everyone deserves a second chance so... lets give him the benefit of the doubt". I only gave her a thankfull smile and she returned it. Mr Shue finally talks and says "Quinn, I could not have say it better myself, everybody in here has done something they regret but we all helped and supported each other, that is a treatment we should all receive... Now Sebastian, why don't you take a sit and we can start with today's practice" I only nodded and sat next to Quinn. I just wanted that day to be over, but it was far from done.

Half way through practice, Mr. Shue was giving us the lesson for the week, the mean comments continued but I ignored them since it was getting easier each time. The lesson was frienship... perfect... I guess I'll just sing how everybody loves me, notice the sarcasm please. Mr. Shue was talking about one of his friends when all of the sudden... I was tackled ... by Puckerman who started to throw punches and was on top of me, fortunately, Mr. Shue, Finn and Sam were able to hold him and took him off of me. One of the punch had broken my lip so Quinn took some paper and started to clean the excess of blood. They took Puckerman and practice was over. 

Quinn and I were the last ones to get out of the choir room, she insisted on walking home with me and telling my parents about what had happened. I knew better than that... so I managed to convince her to let me walk by myself, I needed time to think, to just prepare myself to what was about to happen and for this year.

PD: I hope you like it, I'm sorry that it took me a long time to post this but I was tierd and needed a break from being in the computer all day long.

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