Home sweet home... right?

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I was walking through the streets that marcked the way back home, asking myself how the hell did I ended up in this situation. I wanted a restart, I just though that if I went to this school people would just ignore me, but no, they did notice me and in the worst way posible. I'm sure that mom and dad are going to be so excited about that. OH, that is right they are not gonna know, if they learn that this is going on at school my life would literally be a living hell... I better stop thinking about this or else I am going to start crying. I put my earphones on, plug them to my cellphone and got lost in the stories that the different songs were telling. The rest of the way was like that, listening to music and just forgetting everything that had happened.

When I finally arrived to my house I was praying that my mom was already sleep and that dad wouldn't be home. I don't want them to notice my lip, heck I don't even want them to notice I'm home.  But of course... life is literally laughing on my face today... dad was waiting for me in the living room, mom was in the kitchen preparing herself for what was going to happen next.

As soon as I opened the door my dad stood up and started talking... well to be honest he was yelling, but that is him trying to be nice, so lets just pretend he is talking. "what the hell kiddo, you can't think that you can just come home so late after doing who knows what with who knows who..." i tried to cutt him off, tried to explain that I was in glee club practice, by saying "dad, i was..." but he just started "talking" louder "I DON'T WANT TO LISTEN TO YOUR EXCUSES, THIS IS UNACCEPTABLE, I THINK YOU NEED TO LEARN THE LESSON AGAIN" when I heard that my whole body started to shiver, lesson was a code for I'm a little drunk and I'm going to beat the crap... or well... the gay out of you. I looked at my mom trying to get her to save me... like I always do hoping that this time the outcome was different but, again, she just turned around and ignore everything that was just about to happen.

To contextualize you, yes... my dad is an alcoholic... it started when he refused to defend a colleague that was involved in some nasty business, the firm decided to put him in charge of all of the boring and "non-important" cases, which drove him crazy because that meant that he went from being at the top of the chain to being at the bottom, so in order to handle all of that presaure and disappointment he turned to alcohol. My mom, she just ignores him and everything he does, it isn't because she doesn't care about him but because it physically hurts her to see him in that shape... and because when he is drunk, he is not the nicest person... I know that side to well. 

Every since this happened my dad started getting drunk everyday, which ment that he was being aggresive towards my mom and me everyday. First it started with comments, that my mom was so fat, so ugly, that he should have marry that hot girl that was after him when they were first dating and to me, that I'm ugly, stupid, that I'm a dissapointment, that It's my fault that he is the way he is, that I destroyed his life. This was my everyday rutine until I decided to come out to them, my father, drunk as always, started yelling, worst than he ever had until that moment, saying things I'd rather not think about and telling me that I needed to learn the lesson. That was the first time that he was physically violent with me, a slap on the face and a punch on my stomach strong enough to leave me with no air on my chest.

Comming back to the present, I already knew what he meant so I tried to avoid him at any cost, guess tonight wasn't my lucky night. I tried to run to my bedroom, it was my best chance of escaping from his "lecutre" but it was useless, he grabbed my arm and took me to his office, first thing I knew, my right cheek was in pain, that was the first punch of many. Without giving me anytime to recover, second punch landed on my left side, then on my chest, I fell to the floor and he started kicking me while repeating the lesson I needed to learn:  that I am obligated to be attracted to women and only women. Since it is clear that I haven't learn that lesson, this has become my daily life.

 Once he is done, he just leave me there on the floor an goes to find a glass to pour out some whisky. I stay on the floor for a few minutes while I tried to recover a little bit from the lesson of today. Once I stood up, ignoring the pain, I went to my room, I checked my phone and saw a text that was from Quinn, I decided to ignore it since I really didn't feel like talking too much at the moment. After another few minutes had passed and the adrenaline had come down the pain started growing, nothing I've never felt before so I wasn't worried, I took a painkiller, went to bed and fell sleep as soon as my head touched the pillow. I really just wanted that day to be over but I also didn't wanted a new day to start.

P.D. Hope you like it, now will Quinn notice something is wrong with Sebastian? Does anybody knows? How is Sebastian gonna cover the beating he just received? What is Quinns big secret?

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