First Day At the knew school...

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It was monday, first day of sophomore year, my first day at my new school...  William McKinley High School. During freshman year I had the opportunity to met the New Directions, yeah, that wasn't the best experience but I'm ready to put that behind. Actually I just wanted to start over, new school, new me. Or at least that is what I thought.

As soon as I arrived to school I was welcomed by the soccer team throwing me against a locker and yelling at me "Welcome you fagg", yeah that is right, I am gay and everyone knows, I decided to come out of the closet while I was at Dalton since they had a cero bullying policy and since most of the guys over there were either gay or bi, it was strange to find a straight guy over there, gosh... how do I miss it there, the good old days, good memories, my friends, my ... wait let me get back on track.  

After that little encounter, Blaine Anderson (ex-warbler) and Kurt Hummel (his annoying boyfriend) came up to me, I thought they were going to say something about that little encounter with the football team... but before I could even talk I was already cover with slushy, yeah the same way everyone else in the school treat them they had just done that to me. That was the moment when I knew this wasn't gonna be an easy year. After I cleaned my eyes I could see Santana Lopez and other members of the glee club laughing at me, of course I could hear the rest of the school saying things and laughing... I wanted to just lay there and cry, let it all out, I was humiliated and this was just the first day. Then I felt someone putting a hand on my shoulder and I heard the same person said "come with me, I promise I will not hurt you".

I followed that person, I don't really understand why... but I had a feeling that I could trust her, yeah, the only thing I knew was that she was a girl and that's because of her voice. She took me to the bathroom and help me to clean myself up, she offer me a shirt since mine was full of slushy and when I was clean I could see who that person was... Quinn Fabray. At first I didn't understand why would she help me... the easy prey, if she was cheer capitan and super popular. 

I think that Quinn notice my confusion since she procedded to explain... "I'm helping you because I firmly believe that no one should be treated the way that you were... and... because I think that you and I are going to become good friends... I'm... you know... kind of in trouble myself... and I know for a fact that you will help me get trough it, we could be our support system" after she said that she proceed to explain her situation, I have to say I was surprised, she cried on my shoulder and I cried on hers. Then we went to our first period.

The rest of the day was pretty much the same, I went to classes, have an encounter with people calling me names and throwing me against lockers, just High School ... I guess. Then my moment arrived... I was auditioning for the New Directions. I decided that I was gonna sing one of my favorite songs. My audition went well and I got in, I was just hoping that glee club practices weren't as bad as my day had been.

At least he had Quinn in Glee Club so that made him feel a little more relax. Mr Shue announce to the members of the New Directions that they had a new member... me... but as soon as I entered to that room something happen, something that changed everything.

Pd: Hello, so this is chapter one and I hope you like it, What was the event that change Senastians life? How did the Glee Club kids react to him being in? How things change for him since them? 

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