chapter 1

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Blair Pov
   It has been a few days and I was given a room next to Mr Phamtomhive's. I am walking down the stairs for breakfast when I hear a crash. I rush to it to see Mey rin on the floor with broken plates all around her. I tilted my head in confusion. I never met anyone so clumbsy. I saw when she turned around she had a cut knee. I went over to her and licked her knee trying to clean it. "Your tongue is so rough yes indeed," Mey Rin said shocked. "Im part cat I have cat features. now as for breakfast....what would it be, I stated. 

    She told me whats for breakfast and I smiled broghtly after hearing there will be fish and milk.  I would rather eat fish than drink milk. I walked away as seeing her wound is all clean but I picked up the broken plates. "Hey! hey hey hey hey You cannot do that let the grown ups handel it," Mey rind said taking the shard from me.  I sighed and let it go.  Leaving for the dinning table. I looked at the chair and sighed seeing it was tall. So i jumped onto it and saw the abundance of food. I drooled. Tom would certainly love this. Looking around I saw no one I then proceeded to take some of the food and stuff it into my pockets. "Well now I see we have a little food theif," a deep and sultry voice said.  I turned around quickly to see sebastian. "Fudge," I mumbled. He held his hand out. i placed the food i took on his hand and sighed. "I just thought my friend would like some," I said looking down.  "You can bring him food but just dont put it in your pockets," Ciel said as he came into the room.    I sighed and jumped down and mey rin went to help me put on a new dress. I came back and saw a doggy bag with words I couldn't read on it.  "Whats this," I asked. "A doggy bag for your friend."  I nodded as an ok. I jumped onto the chair and tries to use the fork and knife like a big girl but it was really hard. I suddenly heard the chair move to my left and saw Mr Phantomhive sitting there he helped me cut the food. "Next time if you need help ask for it," He said. He went back to his seat and ate thebrest of his food. I stood up on the chair and shiffed what was in the tea cup. And reeled back. It was brown the water and smelled funny. "What is this, it smells aweful,"I asked.

    Mr Phantomhive looked at me puzzled. "What is what," He asked."The cup whats in the cup," I asked pointing to the tea cup. He laughed,"It's called 'tea' Blair." "Oh.... is there any milk?"   "Sebastian get her soms milk," Mr Phantomhibe said. the butler bowed and left coming back seconds later with a glass of milk. I took it and drank it not making a mess at least. that was until I noticed milk on my dress. Mr Phantomhive sighed. He told his butler to get some baby bottles for me and I blushed in anger. "I can do it on my own," I hissed.  "You made a mess of your dress little missy. You will use a baby bottle til you can properly drink from a glass," Mr Phantomhive said.  I was about to refute until he snapped his fingers and Sebastian put a baby bib on me and started to feed me. I turned my head. "I'm not a baby," I growled. I grabbed a fork and started to eat on my own though I was having trouble.  Sebastian took the fork from me and started to feed me. After that feasko called breakfast i left for the garden. I sat under the shade of a tree. And practiced my singing. As I sang old doll.
"Hey can u hear me i called out ur name where are your from what is it that brought u here why wont u answer me i swear to play nice. isnt this fun thisgame of hide and seek," I sang sighing. "You're pretty good," Said Mr Phantomhive. "um thanks," I said confused my eyes narrowing. He took a seat next to me. "You will be starting lessons tomorrow. and i will be holding a ball to introduce you to the world as my kid."

  I hissed at him. "I dont wanna go to school," I whined. "Who said you will be going to school?" "..... then how the f*** will i get the lessons," I asked looking at his one blue eye. "I will heigher a privet tutor for you," He said. I paled. so there was no escape for school. I must run! "Also you must stop cursing. it isn't proper of a young lady," Mr phantomhive said as he got up and walked inside.
    I sighed and continued to practice my singing.  The next thing I know I am in the carriage to meet the queen. "Be on your best behaviour Blair," Ciel said. I rolled my eyes As my ears are pinned down and my tail is clippdd down. We arrived at the castle. Ciel picked me up nd carried me out the carriage. I wanted to scratch him but seeing as that will cause more trouble than good. Beaides I was being rewarded with salmon for this by Sebastian. "So whos the queen b****," I asked. "Don't call her that and her name is Victoria," Ciel said.  "Fine patchy the Pirate," i said sarcastically. He glared at me but the queen entered the room. "Ciel It's so good to see you. Hmm? Who is the little one," the queen asked as she sat on her thone. "This is Blair my new daughter. I will be training her to take over my position," Ciel said.

   The queen looked at me and smiled kindly. "can I see her," She asked. i would rather let ciel hold me than someone i don't know. After a few hours of talking we left. Sighing and on the way home I saw tom fighing foe bread. I jumped out of the carrage causing ciel to yell. i ran off to help Tom. i gqve the man money for the bred and Tom looks at me confused. i took off the hair pins holding my hears down and smiled. "It's me Blair."I said. "I can see that." "can you come home with me," i asked. "Oi you have to ask me first young lady," Ciel said looking mad.
      i rolled my eyes getting upset. "You best go home blair, the streets are not worth gracing with your high class status." "Hey what's the matter with you Tom," I asked. "Nothing," he said. Ciel tried to pull me away but I shook out of his grasp. I hugged Tom. "You're not gonna leave me too," I asked. Tom sighed,"You are now in a different world from me Blair. We can't be together. I'm the riffraff you are a noble now." i started to cry I went into the carage and got the food Sebastian put in a doggt bag for Tom. I ran back and shoved it into his arms running away crying. Ciel looked at me and Tom. He chased after me saying, "Little lady you get back here!!!"

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