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Hey guys i just want to let you all know that i do have depression. So some chapters may come out later than others well depending on my mood. Also thank you for the 50 reads thus far. And sorry for any out of character moments.   Thank you for reading.  And chapter six should be out soon.  I just need to start on it.

Ciel: do not let your depression get the better of u Draculena!

Not even my real name ciel...

Ciel: well the readers call u by that.

Well sorry but i have trust issues. Now ttyl I'm gonna write the next chapter.

Ciel: you better not put me in a dress!

*too depressed to even evilly laugh*

Ciel: ugh..... Eat cake or something.

Not gonna put on more fat ciel. And thanks for basically calling me fat.

Ciel: s sorry. Anyways Draculena gotta go so she can write in peace.  Until next time. *shoves Draculena's depressed a×× away* see you in the next episode!

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