Chapter 28

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(Flicker by ENHYPEN! BTW this is not edited. So please, be my editors!)


Sophie's POV

I feel the couch dip next to me. "Hi! Sophie, right?"

I snap out of my daze and look over to my left. "Yeah. I'm sorry, what's your name again?" I ask my cheeks flushing.

He gives me a dimply smile, "I'm Dex!"

I smile and nod.

"Got quite a family there.' I say gesturing to the triplets running around in circles.

Dex flops backward and sighs, "Yeah." He gazes at them for a while. "So what school do you go to?"

"Foxfire High School. Why?" I respond looking over to him again.

"Cool! I'm going to be going to soon too! Any helpful tips?"

"Stay away from the 'cool' kids and the bad boys and the 'popular' girls and the—" he cuts me off.

"Okay. So stay away from everyone?" He jokingly asks.

I laugh, "Yeah pretty much." I say playing along.

"Did you guys move here?"

"Yeah. I mean. I wasn't all for it's not as bad as I thought!"

I nod.

Keefe's POV

After I dropped Sophie off I drove back to where we had our date.

I plop down onto the blankets and pout. I know she said sorry but... My man feelings still got hurt! Or my pride!

What's new though?

I sigh and burry my face into my hands.


"What did one ocean say to the other ocean? Nothing they just wave-d." I crack out my awful jokes. "Did you sea what I did there?"

Sophie is cracking up.

"Are you shore you got the joke?" I ask.

She topples over. Her face bright red. Tears roll down her face.

"Are you sick and tired of my puns?"

She nods.

"Alright, alright, you don't have to act like such a beach. I know my puns are sand." I finish.

Sophie is still laughing at my awful puns. I chuckle and take my phone out. I quickly snap and picture before she noticed.

End of Flashback

I smile at the memory. I hope we can do it again. I already miss her laugh. The way she glares at me. The—WOW I'M SO WHIPPED!!! SNAP OUT OF IT KEEFE!!!


Okay I'm back. You got the point right?

I wish I could talk about his with someone. Ooh lemme think! I might have someone.

Parents? NO WAY!!!

Fitz? Nope! He's still hungover Sophie.

Biana? NO WAY!!! She will go all fangirls on me.


Bangs boy? Oh mannnn. No way! I don't ever plan on talking to him again.

Yeahhhh. That's it.

I sigh. I wonder what Sophie is doing?

Okay y'all!

This is really sad. It's a filler I guess. I'm having a bad day. I wasn't gonna update but I did so...YOUR WELCOME!!! Love y'all!





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