Chapter 33

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(Wishlist by TXT. By far my favorite song they sing.)

One week later. . .

Sophie's POV

I stand at my locker zoning out. Biana chats away next to me. After everything that happened with the Drayups, Aella has literally disappeared off of the face of the earth.

She hasn't been coming to school.

She hasn't even gone home.

The police are trying to find her.

After the Drayups were found again, Keefe started to isolate himself. I haven't talked to him in days.

"SOPHIE!!!" Biana shouts in my ear snapping me out of my thoughts.

I turn toward her. "What now?"

"Still think about Keefe?" She looks at me sympathetically.

I nod glumly. "I mean. Everything was okay one moment then the next. . ." I trail off seeing a familiar blonde walking up.

"Hey Sophie." Keefe greets scratching behind his head.

I whip around and slam my locker shut. Grabbing Biana's arm I stride away.

"Girl! What was that for?" Biana whisper shrieks when we are out of earshot. "You've been waiting for him!"

"I know but, he didn't talk to me at all. I'm not just gonna forgive him like that." I turn and walk to class.

(Time skip)

I sit in the quad chatting with Dex,

"So, how's your day been?" He asks.

"Meh." I say picking at my food.

"Keefe still not talking to you?"

"Yeah. He tried. But I walked away." Dex looks at me confused. "He hasn't talked to me in days. I dunno what to do." I say honestly.

"Well—" Dex get cut off.

"EXCUSE ME! CAN I HAVE EVERYONE'S ATTENTION!!!" Everyone quiets down and stares at the blonde boy standing on the tables.

"I have something to say." His eyes meet mine, "I know I've been extra quiet these past few days and I'm really sorry, Sophie." He takes a deep breath and starts walking toward me. He grabs my hands and looks me in my eyes. "I really really really like you. I think I may love you. Will you be my girlfriend?" His eyes hold hope but fear as he wait for my response.

Tears slide out of my eyes against my will. Not trusting my voice I nod.

He smiles so widely. Grabbing my face he plants his lips onto mine. Fireworks explode. My surroundings disappear. It's pure bliss.

I'm now, officially, Keefe Sencen's girlfriend.

Hi y'all!

Almost done with the story. *wipes tear* A couple more chapters (maybe) then an epilogue. If your lucky (and I'm not lazy) you'll get a few bonus chappies.





I Need You! - Keeper of the Lost Cities - Human AU Where stories live. Discover now