Chapter 29

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(Jungwon from ENHYPEN! My bias a.k.a. The person I stan the most now. BTW if any Jungwon fans read this, Jungwon is mine. Got it! I have officially claimed him.)


Sophie's POV

I walk into school today. Biana comes prancing up to me.

"Hey Sophie!" She exclaims happily.

"Hey." I say quietly after all, I'm not even 40% awake yet.

"Fitz has been acting weird today. He's all distant and jumpy. It's weird you know?" She shrugs and continues. "Soooooo. How are you?" We stop in front of my locker.

"Dead. I feel dead. Edaline's sister and her family just moved here. Their son, who's our age, is coming here today." I sigh and bang my head on my locker.

She places her hand on my shoulder, "There, there. Everything's gonna be alright." I raise my eyebrow at her.

"When did you get so positive?" I wonder.

"Tam and I spent hours texting last night!" A dreamy look finds its way onto Biana's face.

I nod understanding everything. "So, how are things with Keefe?" She wonders.

"Awful. On our date we accidentally fell asleep—"

"WHAT!!! ARE YOU SERIOUS?!?" She shrieks collecting attention.

"Shut up and yes. But we didn't do any of the things your thinking about. So when I woke up I freaked out and yelled at Keefe." I finish sheepishly.

"Did you at least say sorry?" Concern crosses her face.

"Yeah. But he still looked hurt." I sigh.

"Give him time. It's Keefe for Pete's sake. He'll be back to normal soon." She reassuringly says. "And, I need all the deets from your date."

I smile. "At lunch."



I chuckle. "Where's Dex?" I mutter quietly.

"Huh?" Biana asks snapping me out of my thoughts.

"Oh! The new kid I was telling you about, I still haven't seen him yet." I look around curiously.

Wait! Where's Aella?

Aella's POV

Everything's in place. My parents are coming to the States. I've set everything up. Traps, distractions, even weapons. I'm ready to take my parents back at any cost.

Police cars, hundreds of them, pull up at the court house. They are finally getting a chance to prove of their innocence.

"About time." I mutter. I pull my hair into a tight pony tail. I cover my face and I wait.

Police men drag two frail looking people out of the squad cars. "Mom? Dad?" I whisper worriedly.

They've changed a lot. The moment they start walking I count to 5. Once I hit 5 I leap out from my hiding spot.

Hi y'all!

Sorry it's a little late. Sorry I didn't update yesterday. I had the day off from school so I relaxed. Here y'all go! Everything is falling into place. But, how did Aella find out that her parents were being taken out of their prison? Comment if you have an answer.





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