Celebratiooonnnn :p

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Mae-San: How fun! We've reached 2k reads along with many favorites!


In all honesty though, thanks for everything, I thought I'd just end up being forgotten in the sea of creators and end up quitting quickly, but you guys actually took the time to read through this book and favorite a few chapters. Even if you didn't favorite anything and only read the first few chapters, thank you so much!

You guys have dealt with so many of my shenaniganary and horrible character writing, but all of you still stayed so far...So...Thanks! Chapters for both this book and my other two books will be released tomorrow, high time I updated again.

The reason I've sort of halted the book is because I can't read ahead and write ahead, I start to sort of panic if I don't have any extra stuff as a backup to upload on slow days...So, sorry about that :p
Anyway, no more reality stuff, more celebration of 2k!!!


- Mae-San

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