°I hate being the blade°

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I was walking down the halls of the school everyone's eyes on me, I was the queen of this school by force.Most people hated me but didn't say it to my face cowards I already knew.I hated people looking at me it spikes up my anxiety but I kept a forced smile.They all looked at me some with fear, some with hate, and some with excitement.

They all watch as I...walk..by

I start walking down the hall a bit quicker.

Feel nothing on me but eyes...

Some people where whispering about me but I didn't care and kept walking.

Just a toy in bed between guys...

I walk over to my girlfriend she had short brown hair with a red beanie and a yellow sweat shirt.She bad some jeans on and immediately hugged me it felt good to be in her arms.It felt like butterflies where in the pit of my stomach and fluttering around.My dress was cotton white and a blood color cape with white fluffed ends and on the shoulders.I had black leather boots that went to the ankles with belt buckles on the side.My bubble gum pink hair was in a braid.

""She said as she pulled me closer and I clung to her.

So tell me why...

°Time skip she's alone sitting on the bridge of her window on the 2nd floor°(she's at home and has changed into an oversized pink hoodie and some sweats.)

"why did you ever kiss me.."I mumble to myself.

My legs swing and the cold air felt like pins against my face the over sized hoodie kept the cold away from my arms.The sweats where warm but I can feel a small breeze against my legs.

" was it just cause they say I'm "pretty"?" I question myself.

Tears slowly start to slip down my face thinking about it.What if she was only using me like everyone else and I start to shake lightly.The cold was getting to me I guess but I didn't want to go inside.I grip onto the sill of the window and blood drips off my fingertips.My door opens but I didn't look back to see who it was I stared out.

"Techna.." That was Tori's(Tommy's) voice I turn my head.

He eyes where wide and full of fear guess I looked like I was gonna jump.I climb back in and close it and she ran over hugging me taking me back.

"Tori what's wrong?"I ask hugging her back.

"W-why haven't you told me about school" (techna raised Tori in this au not phil)She asked

"what?" I ask

"how y-you are scared to got b-because they stare.."She said through sniffles.

"oh..I didn't want to stress you little sister" I say with a smile.

"you needed help!"She let out a sob.

I hugged her tighter and she was breaking down as I try to calm her down.I felt terrible making her cry like this was selfish of me I'm so selfish.Well at least that's what the voices were telling me as I ran my hands through her blonde hair.Its all my fault if I never have existed this wouldn't happen.

I hate being the blade...
Finish! Y'all can decide if you want me to continue this.

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