●A party I shoudnt be at🌧💧●

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Tw:This is aggressive topics please if your uncomfortable or have panic attacks over it please do not read this!
Also more fucking techbur!
3rd P.O.V

Techno was getting dressed for a party.Wilbur had told him not to but did the blood god listen? No.He was going with George and Karl.Technoblade would hum in amusement at his outfit.He only thought Wilbur got off at 12pm tonight.

Oh how he was wrong Wilbur would be home by the time he left.George was the one to pick up Technoblade.

"You do realize if we get caught we are in trouble?"George questioned.

"Yeah but its fineee"Techno said he dragged out the "Fine".

George just nodded, Techno shut the door and the begin to drive to the party.They arrived a few minutes later Karl was already there.The two boys got out and walked over.

"Let's go insideee"Karl said and turned and started walking.

Techno shrugged as George quickly kept up with karl.He begin to follow the two inside.They split up after a bit, Techno headed to a contest.He didn't mean to enter but...he did.
Techno's P.O.V

I sign the ticket for the contest a lady asked me to be in.I only did because I didnt wanna be rude.I enter the room ah shit I messed up huh.It was a drinking contest and I've never had even beer.I sat down and let out a sigh, it been a bit I did win suprising.I felt sick in the stomach and my head rang.

I got up and stumble out I go to walk to the bathroom.When someone grabbed me and pinned me to a wall.I struggle but I cant get them off.Tears stream down my face.They unbuttoned the top of my shirt and nip at places.They litter my neck with bites and kisses.

I didnt have the strength or energy to fight back.My head was swirling and I feel as if imma pass out.I let out a silent sob why cant my body fight back.
George's P.O.V

I walk around my stomach churned as I look outside.Of fuck that's Will, Dream, and Sanap.Karl stood behind me he seemed a bit worried too.I turned and look around.Where was Techno he was just here.Something wasnt right I start to walk Karl follows.

"Karl we need to find Techno I dont think he's safe..."I state and Karl nodded.

We looked around for Techno it seemed like hours.We look down a hall and my eyes widen.A man had Techno pinned his shirt off.Karl ran over and pushed the man off of Techno.I Followed behind and hugged the crying boy.

"Hey hey its alright..."I whisper to him.

I try my best to calm him down but it wasnt working.Karl had chased the man off and was trying to help.Every time we touched him he seemed to tense up.I button his shirt back up I was trying to be careful.Not wanting to scare him he seemed fragile.Karl hugged him so did I it took a while but he was calm now.

We started to walk back and went outside Techno being half asleep.I ran into someone who grunted.

"I'm sorry-"I look up and my eyes wuden.

"No ita fine George."Sapnap said his voice laced with frustration and he looked at Karl.

Karl looked away then breathed in and out.

"Dream, Wilbur I found them!"Sapnap said he glanced at Techno and stopped.

He was shaking a bit and clung to Karl.He Had hickeys littered on his neck along with bite marks.Karl was trying to calm him again.

"Dud he cheat on wilbur??..."Sapnap asked glaring for a moment.

"No...he didnt, I'll explain in a moment"I state followed by a sigh.

Dream and Wilbur walked over and I look down.Dream grabbed me and pulled me close and I look over at Wilbur.

He seemed to be thinking the same thing Sapnap did earlier.He touched Techno's shoulder who flinched.
Wilbur's P.O.V

I pull my hand back he looked at me and Karl let him go.He walked over shaking and hugged me.My eyes widen but I calmed down and hug back.This was new I look down his neck was covered in marks.Suddenly the feeling of anger rose in me again.I wrap my hands around his waist.

He flinched and Karl glared at me not in a bad way.It was like he was saying be more careful.I suddenly realized what was going on and sigh.

"Sh your ok Techno the bad person isnt around anymore alright?"I whisper and felt him nod against my chest.

We walk over to my car him staying close to me.I open the door for him and he got in grabbing at his pants leg.I got in the driver's seat and we go back home.Stepping out the car and close the door he did the same.He waited for me I walk over.We walk inside and he hugged me.

"Your alright Techie I promise you that"I said petting his head.

He sniffled and nodded and I picked him up.It wasnt that difficult but still was.I carried him to the couch and sat him down.Sitting beside him he cuddled into me and my stomach flutters.Grabbing the remote I turned on a movie, Techno looked at the Tv.We watched a few movies until he passed out on the couch.

I lay down this way he was in top if me.My hand wrapped around his waist.My eyes scan his neck and my stomach churned with guilt.He wasnt the type to go out places like that.He usually was scared to go out and socialize.Whatever happened tonight was definitely making that worse.

I ran my fingers through his hair and he moved his head slightly.I hummed a tune as I looked up at the ceiling.My eyelids felt heavy but I kept humming.I let my eyes close slowly and my humming to stop.They shot back open at an alarm sound.I Turned it off so it didnt wake Techno.

I felt content and close my eyes and drift off.
Been a while hope you enjoyed this one!
Bai bai

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