Hell on Earth (2)

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                         "A killing game?" I said in doubt. The room went dead silent. As if time itself just stopped. Everyone, glaring at each other with such fear. "YUP! you heard that right" yelped a disembodied voice. A black and white bear appeared out of thin air. "FATHER" cried out the other bears. "Just like my precious children said it's a killing game," said this black bear. "Who are you? What kinda sick joke is this?" Kaede shouted. "Oh no no, not a joke a killing game, a K-i-l-l-i-n-g g-a-m-e" declared the red and white bear. "OH right! We haven't introduced ourselves yet" said the pink and white one. "Monotaro!" announced the red and white bear. "Monophanie! " announced the pink and white one. "Monokid!" said the blue and white one. "Monodam" announced the green and white one. "And we are the monokubs" they declared in unison. I just rolled my eyes and reached for my head and rubbed my temples. "I'm Monokuma, the headmaster of this academy," said the black and white one. Everyone was confused. A killing game? Talking stuffed animals? The headmaster of the academy? What the hell is happening? "Wait, go back" Rantaro insisted "What is this about a killing game." "It's kinda self-explanatory kid." Monokuma yacked. "You kill each other. Check the rules." "The rules? Where I don't see them" I argued. "Come on! How dumb are you kids, didn't you notice the tablet at all!" expressed the headmaster. Tablet? I began to pat myself down. Starting with my chest making my way down to my stomach. As I arrived at my pockets on my oversized hoodie, I felt something hard and rectangular. I pulled it out and it looked like a tablet. I peered around as everyone did the same. I turned it on and there they were. The rules. I stood there in disbelief. These rules are ridiculous! But one stuck out to me. Harm towards the headmaster is prohibited and breaking any rules will resolve into a punishment. What exactly are these so-called punishments. I began to take into depth the meaning of those words. Is the punishment death? It IS a killing game. I started to feel more nauseous the more my mind dug into it. My body was filling with discomfort and chills. The room seemed to get bigger and bigger, my breathing getting quicker and shorter. My head began to swirl with the worst-case scenarios. "I have an idea," Kaede said snapping me out of this fragile state I was in. "We won't cooperate" she declared. "NOPE can't do that" Monokuma teased. "If no one starts killing in five days then everyone will be punished." "What is this punishment" I questioned. "Who knows" he taunted. I could feel the anger and frustration running through me. "Who's controlling you," I questioned. "Can't tell you that but, I will say there among you." His words echoed throughout the room. Great. So there's a traitor here. Everyone looked like they were on edge. Eventually, the monokubs and Monokuma left.

               Everyone split up while leaving the cafeteria. If we have to live here then there should be a dormitory or apartments. I began to walk until someone hollered at me. It was Kaede and Shuichi. "Hey what's up, " I asked. "We're going to try to see if we can find a dormitory of some sort. Wanna come?" Kaede invited. "Yeah sure," I mumbled lowing my head.

               We walked for what seemed like an eternity. We saw a motel-like facility. "Ok, this is the only place we haven't checked." I groaned caressing my calves. I slumped into the building to see an upstairs and downstairs. The place looked fresh like, it wasn't built that long ago. It was a very open structure. I looked downstairs at the portraits above each door looking for the one that resembled me. I noticed one under the steps that had a character that resembled me greatly. It was a very heavy-looking door. It reminded me a little of a sound-proof barrier. I didn't care, I didn't have the time nor energy to care. I staggered sore and stressed into the gloomy room. Everything was either black or a dark grey. "Perfect" I grunted locking the door behind me. I threw my limp body on the bed. It was cold and comfortable. I began to take off my shoes, socks, pants, and hoodie. I laid in just my underwear and aged torn tank-top. My mind began to wonder about this so called killing game. What the hell is happening? Why me? A single tear fled my eye and ran down my cheek to my ear. Before I knew it I was uncontrollable crying. It was all I could do. I crawled under the covers with nothing else but my warm tears to comfort me.

         I think I slept about 1 or 2 hours until I was awakened by the sound of a ring. It was consistent and annoying. I hid my head under my pillow hoping it would stop. It didn't. I slithered out of bed to see who was ringing the bell. My head hurts and my eyes feel swollen. My nose feels stuffed and I feel almost a sickly feeling. I fumbled to the door and opened it a crack to see who it was. To my surprise, it was a familiar face of a dark blue haired boy. I opened the door slowly. "What's up," I yawned. "I was just checking up on you. I saw you staggering to your room earlier sorry me and Kaede we're dragging you around," Shuichi spoke gently. I faintly tried to chuckle. He didn't meet my eyes, I was confused and leaned in a little closer. His head whipped up toward the ceiling. What's his deal? Then it hit me. I was standing in the door with nothing on but a old stained shirt and a pair of black underwear. My face began to heat up as I ran to my bed grabbing the midnight black comforter in an attempt to cover-up. He gently laughed, I hid my face with the cloak. "I-I'm so sorry I d-d-didn't even realize" I shuddered praying he would leave soon. "Oh it's fine, " he said scratching the back of his head "I'm sorry for looking." "No you don't have to apologize" I clarified. We stared there in awkward silence for a while. "I'm going to head back," he said waving. "See you tomorrow" "Y-yeah!" I uttered. I quickly slammed the door and did a run and dive on the soft mattress. WHYWHYWHYWHYWHYWHY. He probably thinks I'm a weirdo! He probably thinks I think he's a weirdo for looking! My face was burning hot. OHMYGODOHMYGODOHMYGOD! I rolled myself up into a burrito and attempted to go back to sleep.

            "Hmp" I groaned while kneading my forehead. I looked in the cabinet next to the bed for some kind of pain pills. Just my luck, nothing. My head was throbbing at this point. I crawled out of bed and looked around the room. The closet had a bunch of copies of my hoodie, pants, shoes, socks, and tops but these tops were new looking, not like the one I'm wearing now. Well, I guess I could through this old thing away in the morning. I put on one of the many hoodies. It was larger than my usual one. That was fine it covered down to my knees so I didn't need pants. If I remember correctly there is a warehouse not to far from here. I left my dorm and headed to the warehouse. It was a calming stroll, something I needed. Surprisingly, there weren't any sounds of little critters. It was strange. I soon arrived at my destination. I stared at this big building trying to find an entrance. I could hardly see my hand out here not to mention it was freezing. After searching for a good while I thought I felt the shape of an entrance. I tried to open it but it wouldn't budge. I began to kick it down with my cold, numb bare feet. Flinching and grunting at every strike. It didn't work. The moonlight appeared behind the clouds revealing a window. I jumped and reached for the ledge. When I was about to give up, I finally got a good grip. My face lit up with glee and pride as I pulled myself up. The wind picked up and I could feel it blowing across my legs as they dangled. I broke the window and jumped in. I peeped around and saw some pretty interesting stuff, like hurdles, weighted balls, etc. There was a cabinet in the rear of the facility. I rummaged through it and found a little bottle of Tylenol. Bingo! I took the container back to my room and stuffed it in my drawer. 

A Gut Feeling (Rantaro x Reader)حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن