A Vital Clue(6)

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          I just stood there. My stomach bubbled and beginning to feel like it was filling up, overflowing, and about to blow. I slammed my hand across my mouth trying not to release my meal. Angie's lifeless body laid there. I looked over to Rantaro to see his face very pale. Monokuma popped out of god knows where. "Puhuhuhu yeah not killing each other my ass," He cackled. "But anyways here." He handed us tablet looking thing. "It's the monokuma file! This will help with your investigation, " "Investigation, " I mumbled. "You have to investigate and find the killer, " said monokid appearing out of thin air. "And then you battle in the trail grounds!" monophanie said behind the other robot bears. Trial grounds? I rubbed my head. "Weeell, you should probably start investigating because remember if you get it wrong then you all die except the blackened so cya." They disappeared faster than they appeared. "We have to investigate?" Kaito said shakily. "I guess so, " Shuichi said. "So we should all start our examination then no?" Korekiyo asked. "What if the killer hides  the evidence than what then, " Tsumugi said bringing up a really good point. "We'll investigate in pairs then, " Kaede suggested. "Coooool, so everyone find a buddy," Kokichi hummed. Rantaro walked over to me. "If it's ok with you, " he asked. "Yeah, sure, " I whispered. We all soon began investigating. 

          Rantaro and I walked over to the bookcase right in front of the body as Shuichi, Maki, and Kaede investigated the corpse. "Guess you saved my ass back there, making me leave the library. I see why they call you the Ultimate Intuition." he glanced over as I was flipping past the books. "Y-yeah, " I shuddered.  "Hey, " he started. "Thanks for that by the way." I gave him a small smile. We looked for a bit until he found something. "What is it, " I said. "Looks like a camera to me, " Rantaro concluded. After an instant it went off and flashed in my face, blinding me and Rantaro causing me to jump back into him as he caught me. "Jeez, " he mumbled rubbing his eyes. "Oh let me help with that, " Shuichi said removing the cam from the book self. He left and me and Rantaro confused. I began to keep a closer eye on Shuichi.  I looked up and something caught my eye. I walked closer and tried to stand on my tiptoes but still wasn't tall enough. Curse my dwarf height! I reached up to try climbing the bookcase. I was pulled back and felt large hands slowly run down my hips down to my thighs then, to my knees. The hands let go and wrapped around my knees and lifted me placing my butt on the shoulder as they held my legs. Startled I looked down and it was Rantaro. "Y-you saw something r-r-right, " he groaned. With my face burning I looked up. "Wow, " I whispered. "W-what, " "The book alignment, it's like a path." I said. Rantaro carefully put me down and we went to a different part of the library. He was rubbing his shoulder. "Am I that heavy?" I laugh. "No that's not it, I'm just not used to lifting." he 

        Everyone was searching around. I kinda zoned out at the thought of one of my classmates dead in this very room. Is this why my gut had a bad feeling earlier. Who is the mastermind? Did they do this? Who else would do this but the mastermind. A snap brought me back to reality. "Hey, a class trial is beginning or whatever that means ." Rantaro scuffed.I nodded my head as we followed Monokuma's directions. We ended up in front of a tacky sculpture of Monokuma. "So, this is..." Kokichi started but was interrupted by the movement of the tacky sculpture. It gave us a path, a path to a creepy elevator. I gulped not liking small, cramped spaces. I hesitantly followed everyone. When I got on I stood in front of a shady corner picking at my fingers. The doors closed and a sinking feeling flowed through me. As the elevator moved it creaked and got stuck a few times. I closed my eyes and tried to forget about it. A hand landed on my shoulder causing me to jump a little. I glanced over to see Shuchi. "Are you scared of elevators, " he whispered. "N-no, " I said covering my face from embarrassment. There a pause for a few seconds till Shuichi responded. "Yeah I'm pretty uncomfortable too, I don't like being around a lot of people." he chuckled quietly. I smiled at him and turned my head forward waiting for the elevator door to open so we could get off this death trap. 

         It felt like ages but we got off that rusted box. I looked around my surroundings to this gloomy space. The walls were a dark grey with detailed designs. There were stained glass separating each wall, the glass was different verity of pinks and purples. There was 16 what looked like podiums arranged in a circle and a kind of throne thing outside them with mini stands connected. There was a heavy and demonic atmosphere to this beautiful hall. It gave off a Victorian goth vibe. I focused more on the podiums that were named. "Well, don't just stand there get into position a class trial is about to begin come on! I'm getting bored here so let's get this show on the road, " Monokuma screamed. We got in our places and it seemed to be in the order of our dorms so, I was in between Korekiyo and Rantaro. 

     So here we are about to find the blackened who killed Angie, my stomach began to ache as I looked around at all the faces. Will we really be able to find who did it?

        Authors note: Hi, first off thank you for reading so far and have some kind of patients with me. Second next chapter might be quite lengthy so IDK. Plus I don't know much about writing a good story or plot so I hope it's ok so far. If anyone has any complaints or suggestions please feel free. Thank you for your time.

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