A Shred of Hope (3)

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               Ding dong, ding dong. Nighttime has officially ended

       "10 more minutes" I yawned rolling over expecting there to be a comfy cushioning. But it was the hard floor. I scooted to the closet and the dresser to get garments. I pulled myself up into the bathroom. I threw my clothes on the counter and turned on the shower water. I Stepped into the warm water slowly closing my eyes as I felt the water run down every inch of my body. And then I heard a melody echoing around my room. Ding dong! It was going off over and over again. Shit. I attained out from the shower to retrieve a towel. I step out of the steam and bundle myself into a towel and left the bathroom cursing under my breathe. I opened the platinum door to be pleasantly surprised. "Oh, did I get you at a bad time?" Kaede regretfully said. "Yeah just give me a few minutes, " I said inviting her into my room as I escaped back to the bathroom to get dressed.

         We went down to the cafeteria together. When we got there everyone was huddled around the table discussing something. Kaede looked excited, more excited and optimistic than usual. "What's happening," I asked. "Gonta found a way we can leave, " she said cheerfully "This could be our chance to leave!" My eyes widened. It was like a 5 out of 10 tons just left my shoulders. My heart began to beat faster from excitement. A smile grows across my face. 

         I ate breakfast hurriedly, excited and uneasy. Is it really going to be that easy? It can't be. An aching feeling filled my body. We all hurried out of the cafeteria to the courtyard to where Gonta found the so-called "escape".  It was a manhole kind of contraption behind a bush followed by an inappropriate joke from Miu. It wasn't hidden very well. It had a cover coated in black spray paint it looked like. it was suspicious. I was sure at this point that this was either a trick or more to it than this. As I trailed deeper into thought I felt a hand tap me on the shoulder. "Is something wrong you're  kinda zoning out," Kaede giggled. "Ah yes, as one who is extra sensitive to danger I would like to know your thoughts, " Korekiyo swiftly spoke. "Gonta not really understand but, if y/n know it dangerous then we not go, " Gonta declared. "But it's just a feeling it doesn't mean anything, " Kokichi stated. "Being sensitive doesn't make you a fuckin psychic. I'm sensitive but that doesn't mean I magically know the next time I get laid," Miu cackled. "Yeah, plus intuition isn't a talent the last time I checked," Kokichi shrugged. "Don't listen to that degenerate male, if a magical girl says so then I have to listen, " Tenko said eyeing Himiko. Everyone started to voice their opinions huddled around me. I peaked over to Kaede who looked bummed out. It was like seeing a sad puppy be taken away from it's mother. A form of guilt hit me as I watched the hope spew out of her. "I-I-It's not that I don't think we should go it that it's not going to be as easy as we seem, " I notified nervously hoping that everyone would listen. "I see. If that's the case then we should be prepared, " Kirumi spoke. "Yeah it seems kinda a little to much in the opening, " Shuichi explained. "I full confidence in everyone here and their talents, " Kaito proclaimed, " So if they think it's suspicious then so do I." "Atua agrees, " Angie added. I stood there as we hatched our plan. I notice Rantaro giving me a thumbs up. I just smiled at him. I'm glad last night's ordeal didn't affect our slowly blossoming friendship. 

       We agreed that Gonta would lift the cover of the manhole because Kiibo wasn't strong enough. It was surprising especially since he's a robot. We all one by one crawled down in that cold, dark damp cavity. The ladder was made of some kind of metal, covered in rust and dirt. I took my time going down making sure I don't plummet down into the darkness. The space was dusty with cobwebs everywhere. As I looked around I noticed a big metal door. My gut began to ache again. 

      Once everyone was present we ventured forward through the bulky door. Man do I hate being right. It was heavenly guarded, it was impossible. Everyone was tired out. Huffing, puffing, panting, groaning yawning. "W-we can make it this time I know-" Kaede panted. "Not today, " I murmured. "But we can do this. We have to keep trying." " Look around Kaede. Everyone here is exhausted they need a break," I shouted. "Please Kaede." "Ok fine," she pouted. We all crawled out of the manhole and returned to our dorms. The night time announcement played trying to encourage us to start killing. I slumped down on the dark grey carpet pulling my sneakers of my sweaty feet. "Woah," I gagged getting a sample of the stink. "Ok I need a shower." As I walked into the bathroom I began to strip. I ran the water for a bit to warm it up. I hummed a random melody as I crawled in sitting down on the wet shower ground immediately. I granted my brain the freedom to think on it's own, ideas came spilling. I must have zoned out a little to much because it was 1 am when I checked the clock. I quickly washed, got dressed, and squirmed into bed. I just laid there, I couldn't fall asleep. I gripped my forehead out of pain while trying to retrieving the painkillers. I knew it wouldn't be that easy. Monokuma is probably laughing his ass off. Is the mastermind really hiding amount us. Out of 16 students, there's a traitor. What happens when we find who it is it's not like we can do anything. I shrugged and closed my heavy eyes as I drifted to sleep.

A Gut Feeling (Rantaro x Reader)Kde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat