Afternoon nap (18)

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The day had finally came. I didn't sleep a lot at all. Last night was a blur. My skull felt as if a knife had stabbed me repeatedly. Over and over again. Constantly.

I crawled out from my warm shield and snaked my way to the bathroom to relieve myself. As soon as I was done I threw my clothes on and made my way to the dining hall, alone this time. I wasn't complaining but I wish he was with me.

I sluggishly walk into the dining hall and sit down, waiting for Kirumi to prepare my food. She was an amazing cook. She was amazing at everything. Even her looks, she was so elegant and smooth. I felt a gust of wind next to me to see a slim green haired man. I smiled alittle seeing him. "Morning" I spoke "sleep well?" "Nope but thanks for asking" he replied. We both chuckled. It felt nice. His smile faded when a certain demon walked in. Kokichi. I didn't really mind him all that much but I don't want him starting fights again. I sighed.

But the truth finally sank in. Kirumi was dead. My head hit the table as free dread came back like a wave. Tsumugi, Tenko, and Himiko walked out with platers in each hand. They soon revealed an assortments of food. It was glorious and I was practically drooling. We all gathered a plate and began our feast of a breakfast. I had the most on my plate and started eating like no tomorrow. Because I didn't know if I'd even have a tomorrow. Kaito looked over to me, who was also scarfing his food down. "You think you can eat faster than me?" He laughed. "I know I can" I cackled.

We both started eating faster and faster to our do the other. My jaw started to feel sore and clench up but there's no way I'm letting him win. I only had a muffin left on my plate my mouth was stuffed as I chewed and swallowed. But all of a sudden, I couldn't breathe. I was choking. My heart sank and started racing. I dropped everything and drastically tried to stop myself. Kaito stopped everything and ran over to help me. So did rantaro.  But all of a sudden I was kicked. No not kicked tripped I fell on my back and the food that once clogged my throat came up. I threw my head to the side and coughed up a mixture of bacon, egg, and muffin next to me. The impact knocked the food and breathe out of me. My stomach began to ache as I later there longer. I couldn't move. It hurt to much. "Nishishishi" is all I heard before I blacked out.

I opened my eyes. The bright light blinded me and made me whince. My head had finally set and began to throb. I blinked a few times to see a ceiling.

My ceiling?

I sat up and looked around my surroundings.

This isn't my room.

It soon sunk in. What if I'm about to be killed. Why am I here. Then I remembered. I see a mass walk from another room and my heart began to pound. The green eyes shown through and I loosened up a bit to see Rantaro.

"Are you ok?" He asked walking to the bedside. "Yeah I'll live." I chuckled. He wasn't in a laughing mood I see. I frowned at him. "Hm?" He hummed. "Nothing." I murmured under my breathe. He sat down next to me on the bed in silence and we stayed like that for awhile.

"You're sure you're ok?"

"Yes I'm fine don't worry."

"Where am I though?" I asked perking my head over. "My room. I didn't have your key to unlock yours or you'd be in there." My face heated up. I'm in his bed. HIS bed. I flipped over in pure embarrassment. He chuckled and laid down too.

"I was worried about you." He said, breaking the silence. "What?" I muttered. "Why?" He looked over to me. "I care about you a lot y/n. You mean way to much to me." My face heated up again. "You mean a lot to me too Rantaro." I replied. He smiled.

His smile was so beautiful. His teeth look like crystals hiding in the smooth rocks that were his gums. We truly was an attractive man. I smiled at his smile.

He moved closer to me and I moved closer to him. He wrapped his arms around my waist and help me. I closed my eyes embracing him. I couldn't help but smile even more. The heavy feeling came back and I fell asleep.

But this time,

It was in his arms.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 21, 2022 ⏰

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