Suspensions (4)

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              I laid in my bed not wanting to get up or even move. My body hurts. My brain was in almost a haze but I knew I wasn't fully asleep. As I began to open my eyes they grew heavier and heavier. Not now, not today I'm too exhausted. I pulled the warm blanket over my face. I don't want to get up but I have to. All of a sudden I heard something. Something rattling next to me. Maybe I'm hearing something wait, this is a killing game. Paranoid I laid there waiting, listening. The seconds felt like hours as my heartbeat like a drum, getting faster and faster as I feel eyes on me. As I laid there for the right moment I heard my door open a creak. "Oma, did you wake her up?" a voice whispered through the door. That voice was deep, soft but husky. Rantaro?!?! "Shhhhh," Kokichi said while making more shuffling noises. Is he going through my stuff!?!?? "KOKICHI GET OFF THE DRESSER, " he whispered loudly. "No, I'm going to wake her up with a surprise." What does that mean? Then it hit me. "LIKE FUCK ARE YOU GOING TO JUMP-" I tried to declare, quickly sitting up but, I was to late. Kokichi had already jumped his body bashing with mine. "UGH," I grunted. Kokichi was laughing of course. He had his arms wrapped around me and his head resting on my chest. "Cmon Kokichi, " said, as I predicted, Rantaro. He was leaning in the doorway. "But are we sure she's awake, " he snickered. "IM UP BITCH NOW GET OFF ME." He popped his head up with a smirk. "Oh~," he said. I pushed him off me. He hit the hard floor followed by a moan. "Owwww, that hurt, " " And jumping on me didn't?" I looked back at the doorway to notice it was empty. Kokichi ran out slamming the door behind him. I slid off the bed annoyed while rummaging through the closet.

          I walked out of my dorm and while I was leaving I saw Rantaro standing at the entrance. He glimpsed over and waved. Kokichi was nowhere to be seen. "Sorry about him, I didn't see you this morning for breakfast and I was going to your room and Kokichi wanted to come, " he said. He had away with his words that put you at ease. "Don't worry about it, " I said scratching the back off my head. 

          We walked into the cafeteria. Looked around everyone seemed to be here, talking, laughing, getting along. That killing game idea isn't working. I sat down next to Kaede as she whispered to Shuichi. "Whatcha talking about, " I said with a mouthful of food. "O-Oh it's n-n-nothing don't worry about it, " she stuttered. Weird. Are they up to something? I paid closer attention to Kaede and Shuichi. All I heard is that they're up. What's up? That's suspicious. I shrugged it off and looked around at what everyone else was doing. Rantaro was checking him monopad often. That's weird too. I stopped eating altogether and started focusing on what they were doing. Kaede and Shuichi were still mumbling amongst themselves while Rantaro was looking at his monopad. I spent breakfast observing them. 

        Kaede and Shuichi snuck off as I followed them. What are they doing? What if there like sneaking off to... My face warmed up a little bit from the sudden thought. Shuichi quickly whipped his head back. I hid behind a nook. I heard footsteps getting closer. My hand over my mouth trying not to breathe to loud. I heard their footsteps quicken and getting smaller. I put my hood up and sprinted after them. Running around like mice in a maze. They stopped suddenly and I dived to one out of two hallways, panting and running. Turn the corner I waited. I was watching their movements from a distance till they ran down the hallway across from me. I chanced after them. I couldn't see them. Shit! I picked up the pace everything was a blurry and then I slammed into something or to be more specific, someone. I knock over both of us. I tried getting up but they had their hands wrapped around my back. I looked down to see Rantaro. I struggled to try to get up. Shit shit shit shit! "Woah, what's with the rush," he groaned.  I looked up, they were gone."Shit," I whispered under my breathe. I stopped and permitted for my body to collapse. "Geez, what did Kokichi do now, " Rantaro joked. I sat up sitting on his stomach as he laid on the ground. I stumbled to get up, my face burning. "I'm s-sorry I didn't see you, " I muttered. "You couldn't see anything with how fast you were running, " he snickered. I assisted him to get off the dirty ground. "Who were you chasing, " Rantaro asked. I didn't say a thing. What could I say? What would make sense? I looked over to see his monopad on the ground face down. "Oh did I do that sorry," I said picking it up. "Wait, " he tried grabbing it out of my hand. I pushed him back looking at what he had. My eyes widened I couldn't believe what I was reading. Survivor perk? I looked over at him. He stepped forward. "Stop don't come any closer, " I yelled. "At least let me explain, " he started. "What is this, " I began to look through it more. There was a map of the entire school. I pulled mine out and checked. I don't have a map or that message. "It's not what it looks like just give it back ok," he said holding his hand out. I slammed him against the wall hard, grabbing his hands and pulling them above his head twisting his wrists. "Tell me everything you know NOW!" I shouted. I stared him down. "I don't know how or why" he grunted. "T-trust me!" He looked pleaded. I dragged him out of the crumbled hallway avoiding debris on the floor hallway. "H-hey where are we going, " he shuddered. We left through a side exit and walked to the dormitory. He didn't say a single word. We walked under the stair where my room was. I let go and pulled his arm around behind his back then pushed him into the wall. I used my free hand to unlock my door. I pushed him into my room as I locked the door behind us. He was dragging himself across the floor away from me. He jumped up and pulled me into him and pushed me into the closet. It caught me by surprise as he headed to the door. I grabbed him by his olive-green hair and dragged him into the small room with me. "You're the traitor aren't you, " I growled. "No, it was just on there I swear, " he defended. " I may not remember my talent but that doesn't mean I'm the mastermind!" I just stared at him. This didn't make any sense. If he was the mastermind wouldn't he remember? My gut didn't feel right.  "FINE" I said screamed in frustration and face red. I let go of him. "You can go..." I mumbled. I peeked up and he was smiling, not a fake or smile of relief but, a sincere smile. I felt awful and stupid. "I'm sorry I overreacted and I-" he pulled me into a hug. My body dense but slowly loosening, putting my arms around him gently. "It's ok, I would have done the same thing if I were in your shoes, " he chuckled. He pulled himself away and softly patted my head. My face warmed up a little. "Hey, can I show you something?" he asked about to leave. "Uh sure, " I said confused. "Cool, I'll show you later tonight, " he stated closing my door as he left. I stared at the door processing what just happened. Wow, that happened so fast. I looked around the room. My bed was untidy and there was dust on the ceiling fan. "Disgusting" I whispered. I began to thoroughly sanitize my room. This doesn't make any sense, why would he have something like that on there if he isn't the mastermind. But he doesn't remember and what's the point of that he couldn't operate the killing game. I zoned out for a while that I didn't even notice I was almost done cleaning.

             I was cleaning for most of the day, since my room looked disastrous. The nighttime announcement played. I wouldn't even call it an announcement it just those dumb bears arguing. I laid on my bed waiting till my gaze got blurry and my eyelids got heavy. Before I knew it I drifted asleep. Then there was a single ring. Yawning I pealed myself of my bed and opened the door. To not very much of a surprise it was Rantaro. He sat next to me on my bed and pulled out his monopad. "I've looked through this whole school but look at this room, see anything weird, " he pointed at a box looking shape. It was a room that you had to enter through the bigger room in front to enter. It was like a secret room. I looked at him confused. Then back at his screen. Wait that room looks a lot like... "The library, " I mumbled. "You think so?" Rantaro said zooming in on the room. "Maybe we'll find the mastermind or their hiding place, " he blankly said. This is great! We could really have a chance to find the mastermind and or traitor. "I was planning on going there tomorrow wanna come," he asked. I nodded and gave him a smile. "Oh and by the way, " he started "Why did you trust me so easily? You know there's still a possibility that I could be the mastermind but you trusted me so quickly and easily? Why." "It's not that I trust you blindly but, I do think there is some truth to your words, " I explained. " And if there is a possibility to leave this place, no matter how risky it may be, then I'm willing to jump on that opportunity." He slightly nodded his head and looked back to his device. "Plus if you were the mastermind why would you tell me all this, unless you were planning on killing me, " I blandly said . "Oh, n-no I would never, " Rantaro defended. I chuckled. 

              We spent most of the night in my doom talking. Not necessarily about our plans for tomorrow but more about getting to know each other. We were going to be working together after all it would do some good to know each other at least. He was quite interesting. He had multiple sisters some, were step sister. He also came from a wealthy family. Hearing him talk about it brought me back to when I was home with my mother and father. I began to tell him a little bit about myself. "I have two brothers, an older one and a younger one, " I began to unravel "My mother was a nice woman and my father was..." I stopped, remembering his dark ways of speaking. Rantaro gave me a confused look as I zoned out. "He had very dark humor, " I said remember all those times where he would always call me and my brother out on every little thing. He would make fun of our clothes saying he didn't want to be seen with us were such bummy clothes. My mother always defended him. If he did something to us he would send her to apologize. What a coward. But he was very nice at time. He would always stick up for me and or help me only if I really needed it. My blood began to boil and my eyes filled up with tears. A hand rubbed my back. "Well, look at the time, I should probably head out, " he said getting up. "Oh by the way get a lot of rest we'll need it." he waved as he left. 

         I threw off my hoodie, shoes, socks, and pants as I crawled under the covers. My mind was still debating. My stomach ached when I thought of him as the mastermind. So was I wrong? I flinched and reached for my head, the sudden pain stunning me. I grabbed the pain receivers I stole from the warehouse and took one. I laid there just wonder if this was a good idea. He never gave me a nervous feeling, but suspension is a completely different thing. I finally closed my eyes in a desperate attempt to fall asleep.

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