A Sight to Die for (9)

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       I woke up earlier than usual. Oh well, that's the most I'm most likely going to sleep. I sat up, pulled a hoodie over my half-exposed body along with a pair of shorts. Then I left my room. It was still dark out, probably about 4 am. It was so cold I could see my breathe. I left the dormitory and began to walk around. Thinking about how we could get out of here. Thinking about Kaede's execution. There were a lot of unfinished buildings. I went inside the old school and roamed the halls, noticing a room. It had a big music note plaster on the door. Hesitantly, I reached for the door handle and went in. It was a room with a bunch of CDs and a piano. There was a sign on the back of the door. "Ultimate Pianist Lab" I read. So this was Kaede's lab? What the hell is a lab? I rummaged through the millions of CDs of different orchestras and musicals. Nothing I would be interested in. I left the lab, closing the door behind me. It was just about sunrise. I walked into a classroom, opened the window, and stuck my head out. I looked along the long vines littered across the rusted building. I tugged at a few to see how secure they were. I closed my eyes, took a breathe, and began to climb. I was about halfway out the window, already regretting my choices. There's no going back now. I managed to get to the roof with enough time to catch my breathe. "This was such a stupid idea." I muttered. I leaned back and stared at the reddish purplish sky. The stars and moon began to fade away as the red became pink. The purple started to turn blue. I closed my eyes and embraced the cool breeze. It was about 6:30. I sat up about to leave until I realized something. "Wait, how am I going to get down?" my eyes widened. Fuck well, maybe is I just slide down the vines. No, that won't work. THEN HOW ELSE WILL I GET DOWN. FUCKFUCKFUCKFUCKFUCKFUCK! I looked around the empty property trying to think of something. Screw it! I'll go down the way I came up. I wrapped my arms around a vine and slowly slide down, inch by inch as my feet would rest on cracks in the cement-coated walls. Damn, why did I do this? This is so stu-. My foot slipped and I pulled out the vine. I let out a loud yelp. I reached out and caught hold of the window sill and pulled myself in. I stood up with shaky legs. I looked down at my scrapped up bloody hands. Dumbass. I sat in one of the desks staring at my hands. Looking back at the window sill with smudged blood. Memory's of sneaking out my window and watching the sunset before my family woke up filled my head. Mother and father yelling when they caught me. My youngest brother wanting to join. My oldest warning me. We lived in a small house in the woods right out of town. Remembering the time I fell of the roof and broke my leg. Tears began to fill up my eyes thinking of all those times. I placed my face on my bloody hands and sobbed to myself, hoping there ok. I should have never left them. They were right. It was a big mistake. I pulled a clothe out from my pocket and whipped off a mixture of salty tears and blood with the same taste as iron of my cheeks. Pull yourself together damn it! I'll apologize when I get back. I threw the once white napkin back into my pocket as I left the building heading back to my dorm to change into my usual attire. 

       A few hours later I head toward the cafeteria for breakfast. I bumped into Rantaro on my way there. "Oh sorry. Didn't see you there, " he chuckled. "Oh no it's fine." I yawned hiding my hands in my pockets. "Ruff night?" he asked. "More like ruff morning." I responded. "Oh, well I hope you're ok." he said. "Don't worry I'm fine." I chuckled. We both began walking together. I don't think he noticed. Out of nowhere, he locked his arm with mine. My eyes shot up at him as he walked forward as if he wasn't doing what he was doing. "H-hey, slow down a bit." I exclaimed. He looked back at me, confused. "Oh, if you don't like it I'll let go." he said removing his arm. "That's not-" I tried to say but was interrupted by him starting at me. I looked over to realize my hand had come out of my pocket, raw and close to bleeding again. He walked a step ahead with a small sleek on his face. "I knew your hands would have been all messed up, especially from that nasty fall. I almost thought you were going to get seriously hurt or worse." Rantaro stated. "Wait, how did you know I fell?" I called him out. "I left my room to find Monkuma, to ask him a question, then I heard someone scream, " he explained. "So I ran over and saw smudged blood. I went up there to see who it was since we're in a killing game. But I saw no one there, they must have just left." I sighed. "Plus, you were hiding your hands suspicious." Rantaro added. "So, wanna tell me why you were up there?" He asked. "Watching the sunrise." I murmured with a red face. "Oh." Rantaro chuckled. He lightly caressed my peeling flesh and dried blood. "Hm, ow." I groaned. "After breakfast, we'll visit Kirumi and see if she can do something for you." he spoke. My face began to heat up as he gently slid my hand back in my pocket, retrieving the other hand to observe the damage. When we got there. Everyone was dead silent. As we saw Shuichi enter. "Wow, you got rid of that dumb emo hat!" Kokichi blurted. "You look good." Kaito reassured. "Meh, you're  not a sexy goddess like me but you look less like a pervy little boy that would sneak into the girls bathroom and sniff there used tampons." Miu cracked up. "Yeah, you look nice without the hat. We can actually see your face." I said. The quiet depressing mood came to an end and became a little more light. 

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