Pampered (10)

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         It was the next morning to were I woke up to the annoying announcements from the monokubs. I slowly sat up making my way to the bathroom with eyes still heavy and sore. There was a ring on the door bell. After getting dressed I opened it to be drug out from my sleeve. "Hey, what the-" I looked down to see a purple-haired gremlin. "Hey hey" Kokichi said jerking my hand. "Heard from mom that you had a little accident." He snickered. I whipped my hand out of his reach. "Yeah, what is it to you?" I raised an eyebrow. "Oh nothing." he smiled wrapping around my leg. "HEY!" I tried to fling him off, but only lost my balance and nearly fell. Of course Kokichi was laughing. "What is your problem." I grunted. "I'm boooooooored! And I wanted to hang out with my favorite person." he chuckled. "Plus no matter what you do I won't let go." I sighed and began to slowly walk to the cafeteria. 

       As so as I got in, I could feel everyone's eyes on me. My face was red with anger and embarrassment. "Oh, embarrassed." he sighed. I rolled my eyes and limped over to a table. 

      Kokichi was under the table laughing as I sat there. My hands and head hurt. I don't wanna deal with this today. "Hey, heard you have a pest problem." Kaito smiled. I chuckled. "Yeah, I guess you could call it that." I felt Kokichi's grip tighten as Kaito took a seat next to me. I didn't really pay that much attention to him instead, I just sat there eating lost in thought. Or calling it trying to distract myself from the killing game. Why me. Why did I have to be dragged into this messed-up school? Why, just why. I felt a light tap on my shoulder, snapping me out of my head. "So, " Kaito began "If you ever need help with anything you could ask me or, if you're uncomfortable with that ask someone else. There's no shame in that y'know." "Why are you bring that up?" I questioned. He looked over to Kirumi and back at me. "Well, we were told about your hands. He scratched the back of his head. "Yeah thanks for that," I said sarcastically eating my breakfast. "I don't need your guys help, I'm perfectly capable of taking care of myself." I snarled. A smirk slowly crept onto his face as he pointed down. I looked down to see Kokichi still attached to my calf. "So, do you want help with that?" "No." I groaned. He leaned back in his chair as if he was waiting for something. I pushed my food over, placed my head on my hurting hands and began to tap my foot, making eye contact the whole time. A few moments passed, turning to minutes. I picked up my fork from my plate and lifted the table clothe. Kokichi looked up at me and tightened his grip tight enough for me to grind my teeth. It was dark under there but, I could still see his demonic smile. I gave him the same smile back lifting the fork above my head. "Wait, what are you doing?" Kaito whispered leaning in closer. My hand swung down. Kokichi jumped back as I barely missed my leg. He crawled from under the table and looked over to me. I placed the fork on the table and gave him and Kaito a smirk. "See," I said to Kaito. Kokichi already took off when Shuichi and Rantaro entered the room. "Hey y/n, how're the hands doing." Rantaro said pulling up a chair. "They're fine." I groaned. "Yeah, she's not in the mood today." Kaito chuckled while leaving. "Remember, it's ok to ask for help y/n" I rolled my eyes. Blah blah blah blah. 

       Shuichi was standing at the door talking with Kaito. He looked over and motioned to come closer. I stood up and made my way over there, followed by Rantaro. "Hey, I said I had something to show you last night so, are you ready?" Shuichi asked. "Oh, yeah. I'm ready" I said. "Plus Kaito will be joining us if you don't mind." he lowered his head. "Why are you asking me?" I said "I don't care." Shuichi gave me a small smile as he lead me, Kaito and Rantaro to all the different rooms he unlocked with those weirdly shaped keys. Finally, we got to the last new place. It was an outdoor pool area. The pool water was very low and around it looked old and rusted. "This place could use a good clean." Rantaro yelled. "Yeah" Kaito agreed. I sat on the edge of the pool and looked down inside. Watching the ripples after I lightly tapped the top. I felt a hand being placed on my shoulder. I jumped back tripping Rantaro over me as I scooted back from the pool. "S-sorry I thought you were going to push me in." I chuckled. "Oh, it's fine." he replied. Kaito and Shuichi were both laughing like idiots. "SHUT UP YOU DISCOUNT HOT TOPIC EMPLOYEE AND YOU LIFE COACH WANNA-BE!" I screamed, making Rantaro, Shuichi, and Kaito laugh even harder as push him off. My face was burning up as I turned away from them. "Tch" I spat as rewrapped my slightly undone bandages. I felt someone's chest push against my back and two arms coming from behind, grabbing my hands and wrapping them tighter. "Hm." I grunted. "Too tight?" Kaito asked. "Yeah, a little." "Well, it was kinda my fault for laughing, especially since your hurt." he apologized. "Hold on a minute." Rantaro said, pulling out fresh and clean bandages. "Use these." he said handing them to Kaito. Rantaro when in front of me and slowly taking the bloody, sweat-drenched clothes that cover the disaster on my hands. I looked to the ground, embarrassed being in between the two men. Shuichi when to my side and rolled up my sleeves that kept getting in the way. "How are you feeling? "Still too tight?" "There, the sleeves are out of the way." they all were speaking I didn't listen. I was to distracted with the situation to even care about what they were saying. "There, done" they all said in unison. I was still looking at the floor while my face was hot and sweaty. I looked up to see them staring at me. "GOTTA GO! I FORGOT I HAVE THINGS TO DO!" I blurted taking off as far away from that part of the school as I could. What the hell. All I could do was replay that moment over and over in my head. Especially when Rantaro was smiling while helping Kaito wrap my hand. It was so bright but dark at the same time. It was sweet but sour. It was caring but lustful. I buried my head in my arms as I slid to the ground. His face was all over my head. I could stop thinking about it. Shuichi pulling up my sleeves gently and Kaito's term grip. "Ugh, is the day almost over, " I yawned. My eyes began to get heavier and heavier the longer I sat there. My body began to give out as my consciousness faded. 

       A little while later ig 👹🌝😃👍

      I felt a chilly breeze brush across my face. I tried to open my eye but they refused. I couldn't move my body. I felt something grab me and lift me from the ground. I opened my eyes slightly, the world was blurry and my head was spinning. I passed out again. 

     I shot open my eyes to see the same black space from my weird dream. But it was different. The female shadow wasn't alone. There was a slightly shorter and less curvy girl standing next to her. All I could see was her light blue eyes as they both stared at me. "What do you want?" I asked. No response. The shorter girl charged at me all of a sudden. I tried to run. I couldn't move. She pushed me to the ground and got on top of me, pointing at my throat. I tried to scream but nothing came out. The girl grabbed a knife-shaped shadow from her pocket connected to her belt. She leaned in closer to my face, stroking the knife against my face, neck, and breasts. "stop." I could finally let out. She just sat there looking back at the other cloud of darkness. The mist faded away and the woman on me lifted her knife directly from my forehead. "WAIT, PLEASE." I screamed. The knife dropped and I julted up, screaming. I looked around to see myself laying in my room. I grabbed my aching head and plopped my head down. I turned over to see a slip of paper on my nightstand. I reached over and read the small letter.

   Hey, Kokichi said he found you passed out on the side of one of the buildings still under construction. I carried you back to your room and used your keys in your pocket, hope you don't mind. Plus Himiko said to stay out of the gym. She's preparing for a magic show I guess.


   I looked in my hoodie, which I was still wearing to find my keys. Thankfully, they were still there. I threw off my clothes and laid back down, thinking about the day. Oh God.  I covered my red face with my pillow. I tossed and turned. I couldn't sleep so I got up and sat on the stair outside my dorm until I was ready to go back to sleep. 

Sorry, this chapter is kinda like everywhere and like confusing plus, rushed. I just really need to get this done. I've been so caught up with school and sports. Especially since it's Cross Country so, I'm tired a lot. Also, I didn't know if I should have added Kaito since so many people in the fandom don't like him. So thoughts on that. And also thank you guys so much for reading this far. It really has boosted my confidence in writing and wanting to do it more often and getting better so I really appreciate that. Ok that's enough BYE❤️

A Gut Feeling (Rantaro x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now