Phantom (8)

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      I opened my eyes to nothing but darkness. You couldn't even see where the walls were, where the floor was, or the ceiling. I heard faint whispers all around me. I was looking at my surroundings confused until a figure caught my eye. It got closer and closer. They were about a yard in front of me. They had a female appearance and distinctive twin pigtails. Her eyes were a royal blue color. Her entire body was just a shadow. She did nothing but stare at me. I looked around for an exit but there wasn't one, just a pure black room. The apparition slowly reached over to me I backed off the bed I was sleeping on and took off into the night. I couldn't even see my own feet. Influenced by fear I closed my eyes and went forward. I felt something grab me from behind and lift me. I screamed, kicked, scratched, bit, punched, push. It was no use, their grip was firm and painful as they drag me away. "WHO THE HELL ARE YOU!" I howled. The figure didn't say a word, they just let me go and quickly faded away. I whipped my head around the void to see a door. I jumped up and sprinted to the door. I opened it to see nothing. I stepped in. This room had a different feel to it. It reeked of death and sorrow. It was a heavy feeling like the world was resting on my shoulders. It was draining as well. I began to walk throughout these different surroundings. My head began to pound with a consistent melody, similar to a heartbeat. In the distance, there was a white table. I speed walked over there to see two buttons. One was a blood-red that spelled the word 'hope'. The other button was black and read 'despair'. "Do I click a button?" I hollered cupping my hands. No answer. I looked around to see if that spirit was near. I saw nothing. I faced forward and stared at my options. I reached my hand to the 'hope' button and pushed it. I stood there. Nothing happened. "Did I push wro-" I tried to say but was interrupted. The floor below me collapsed and I began to plummet. 

    My body jolted up as my eyes shot open. I was drenched in sweat, my body was shaking, and my head spinning. Oh, it was just a dream. The clock read 2:00 am. I let out a sigh falling back. I closed my eyes. My heartbeat was racing keeping me awake. I turned to my side thinking about when Shuichi had visited me a few hours earlier. 

    Ding dong. "Just a minute," I shouted imminently face planting remembering the dorms are soundproof. I opened the door to see Shuichi. It was currently 9:00 pm, an hour before nighttime officially started. He looked ruff. I let him in as closed the door behind me. He stared at the floor with buffy eyes. "I'm sorry, I just really wanted to be near somebody." Shuichi said giving a forced chuckle. "No, don't apologize. I get it, " I looked away. "Can I get you anything." I asked. "Oh no I'm fine." he said rubbing his head. I grab the bottle of Tylenol in my drawer next to my bed. I open the lid and shake out one pill. "Here, it will help with your headache." I handed it to him retrieving a glass of water. "Why do you have these." he asked. "I stole them from the warehouse. I'm the kind of person who constantly has a headache no matter what." I explained. "It's been like that for a while to the point where I take them with me everywhere." "I see, " Shuichi mumbled. "I'm sorry for your loss. I knew you guys were close. " I said motioning him to sit down on the edge of my bed. "Yeah." he whispered spinning the watering his cup." We sat there in awkward silence. "You knew it was her right? Because of your intuition." Shuichi said breaking the ice. "Well kinda." I said "It doesn't tell me like a voice or another person talking. It more like advanced instincts really." "Oh so kinda like a wild animal?" He blurted. "W-wild animal." I shuddered. "NO NO, I mean like you can detect things we can't, " Shuichi tried defending himself. "Kinda." I shrugged. "It kinda stupid. My ultimate talent." he confessed. "I didn't want to be a detective. I used to solve just random cases like missing cats and stuff like that. Then I was assigned a murder case that went cold, I ended up solving it, but ill never forget the face of that man. He killed the guy who killed his family. He did it for revenge." "Wow, that explains why you don't make eye contact and wear that hat." I said leaning back. "Hey, I kinda get it. About hating your talent." I sighed. His head perked up as I began to talk. "I'm not the kind to think with my emotions, a logical thinker if you will, so you could probably imagine the problem I have." I chuckled. "I discovered my talent from school. I was walking the route I usually used to get home from school, but something in me screamed and told me to take a different way. So I did, the next day one of my classmates my brutally beaten to death by a necrophile. They found him by linking his DNA. He happened to be a higher classmate than us." He was listening to every word I was saying with interest. "wow," Shuichi nodded. He had his hat covering his eyes. Annoyed, I ripped it off and through it. "Huh," he jumped. He looked up. I studied his features. His eye color, his hair type, his hair color. He chuckled. "What's so funny?" I snarled. "Oh, it's nothing." He shrugged with a grin. He looked back down at the floor. "You doubt yourself to much." He observed. "It's not that hard seeing that by just judging how you act." "What does that mean?" I hissed. "You're worth more than you think." Shuichi smiled. "Yeah, sounds like you could take your own advice." I rolled my eyes and laughed. He looked over my should and his eyes widened a bit. "Oh it's 12, I should be heading back, " he noticed. "Alright then cya later, " I said waving as he left. 

Memory ended

      Before I knew it was able to fall asleep trying not to think about that dream. It's just a stupid dream. But a part of me disagreed. I ignored it and rolled to my other side, sinking into my raven-colored blankets and sheets. I got up and walked to the door, double-checking to see if I locked it. 

Hello again! I didn't really know what to write for this chapter so this is what you got ig👹

Part 9 will be out soon. I can't really give a specific date because my schedule is everywhere. 

A Gut Feeling (Rantaro x Reader)Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt